PioneerTS-ME770TC TS-ME770TSWThank you for purch asing thi s Pioneer product.Be s ur e to read thi s instruction manual before installing th is speaker.Vielen Dank, ss Sie sich f ii r dieses Produkt von Pi oneer entschei den haben .Vor dem Einb au des La ut spr ec h er, verfehlen Sie n ic ht diese Vo rschrift zu lesen.BEFORE YOU BEGIN INSTALLINGCheck with your local waterway authority for any regu lations the use of accent I speaker lighting on your boat and vessel.BEVOR S IE MI T DER INSTA LL ATION BEG INNENErkundigen Sic sich bci lhrer :i:ustiindigen Wasser-b:i:w. SchifffahrtsbchOrde, ob gesctzliche Einschrankungen in Bewg auf dieVerwendung von Aki('Tlt· / Lautsp~herbcleuchtung an lhrcm Boot oder Schiff b<:.-sti:!h<.'11..& WARNINGThe marine-grade speakers are capable ot reproducing music at extremely loud levels. caution should be exercised to preventpermanent hearing loss. Additionally. listening music with the audio s:,·stem at high volume levels could impair your ability to hear awarning signal.Due to the speaker weight , always have two or more installation professionals install the speakers&. WARNUNGDie marilimcn Fcuchlraumlautsprcchcr kOnncn Musik mil cxtrcm hohcn L.aulsl1irken wicdcrgcbcn. Vcrwcndcn Sic sic dahcr milVorsicht, um daucrhaftcn HOrvcrlust zu vermcidcn. Au8crdcm kO nnen Sic unter Umstandcn Wamsignalc uberhOrcn, wcnn Sic bcihoherLautstiirkeMusikhOrcn .Wegen des Gewichtcs bitte den Einbau von zwei oder mch r Profi-Monteurcn vornehmen I assen.~ C A UTIONTopreven1darnagetoyourspeakerspleaseobservethefollowingcautionBe sure to install at a place having no possib1e problem with the boat's an:! vessel's safetyConsultyourdealeronmethodofinstallation.Since this speaker is continuously used being turned on full blast. temperature of the magnetic circuit rises, avoid touching d directly byhand and placing something near it. If it is heated. ~ may cause a bum. deformation of or damage to peripheral thingsDo not install on submersib~s or any boat and vessel likely to be under water at any time.Donothiltoth isspeakerh igh-pressurewatersprayinlor,gtimePIONEER recommends that this speaker be used in conjunction with amplifiers whose continuous {RMS) output is lower than the nominalinpvtpoweroflhisspeaker.Donottouchthespeakerfle~iblewire ®. Donotbendthetemtinal $ wlthforce. ~Make sure speaker temiinals and/ or flexible wires do not come into contact with metal surfaces.~1::ec~~S: ::1!~s~:2; ,::::~1:::~:i~r::u:~nhs~::;1;n. ,.When making connections, refer also to the instruction manual of the martte-gradeaudio unit or amplifier.TS-ME770TSB CEm MARINE ENCLOSED TOWER SYSTEM/ HAUT-PARLEUR BATEAU FIXATION SUR TOUR DE TRACTIONSISTEMA TORRE MARINA CERRADA / KOPnYCHAA AKYCTl1'-IECKAA CIIICTEMA AllA AXT Ill KATEPOBe FE ATURES1. Pioneer ME-series marine speakers are protected from the effects of sun and water exposure, meeting both IPX7 and ASTM D4J2g to • CHARACTERI S TIC • MERKMAL E • C ARA CTE R IS T IQUE • CARATTERISTICHEachieve all-weather reliability2. Mica reinforced IMPP monocoque cone with rubber surround constructed usir,g an advanced in-mold bonding technique for superior waterresistance while maintaining high quality, powerlul sound3. Symmetrical motor design wi1h high strength suspension optimized to provide stability. linearity and clear. low distortiOfl soundreproduction4. Lightweight polyimide (Pl) tweeter diaphragm and uniquely shaped wave guide provides natural and clear voca ls with wide dispersion5. Pioneer's proprietary, eccentrically located driver system produces a smooth frequency response, and its uniquely shaped horn deliversthe loud sound experience to wakeboarders and those in tow6. Built-in RGB color illumination of the woofer cone provides enhanced personalization and cosmetic integration7. Vortex generator (aerodynamics device) attached on the canister's bod y. suppresses wind ncise when underway, for conLinuedenjoyment of your music• MERKMA LEl. Die Feuchtraurnlautspre<:her der ME-Serie von Pioneer sind vor den Einwirkungcn von Sonne und Wasser gcschiltzt und crfu!lcnsowohl IPX7 a\s auch ASTM 04329, um die Zuverlassigkei t bei jedem Wetter zu gewiihrleisten2. Dank de r bei der Herstellung angewendelen hoch enlwickelten Gusstechnik bietet der MlCA-versllirkte IMP P-Monocoque-Konuscine iibcrlcgcnc Wasscrbcstiindigkcil. Da s Ergcbnis s ind glcichblcibcnd hohc Qualiliil und kraftvollcr Klang3. Symmt>lrische Treihcrkonslruktion mil hochfestcr Aufhiing u ng, die fur Stabilittil, Li nearitiil und klare, ver,ll:rrungsarme Klangwie -dcrg;,bc optimicrt i~t4. Leichle Polyimid- H ochtonmembran (PI) und einzigarlig geformte " Wave Guides " sorgen fur naturliche und klare Stimmwieder-gabes mil breilem Abslrahlwinkel5. Der Pioneer-exklusi ve, exzenlrisch platzierte Treiber garantiert eine weiche Klangcharaklt>ristik, das speziell geformte Hom sorgt furausrcichendSchalldrucksclhslfurWakeboarder6. Die integricrte RGB-Farbbeleuchtung des Tieftonkonus ennoglicht verbcssem: Jndividualisienmg und optische Integration7. Der aus der Aerodynamic stammen de Wirbelgenerator am GehliuSt' unterdriickt Windgeriiusche und sorgl so fiir mehr Musikgenu8e SPECIFICATIONS• Reproduction system · Enclosed tower system· Speaker specificationsWoofer rt, 195 mm (7-5/8" dia.)Tweeter····· · ··· · ·················· · ·· ········ rb28mm(1-1 /8"dia.)• Cootinuous power hand li ng (RMS) · · · ·· ··· ···· 100 W• Frequency response• Nominal impedance·Waterproof performance250We TECHNISCHE EINZELHEIT EN· Tonwicdcrgabesystcm Geschlosscnes LautsprechersystemBechreibungderLauls p rech erTidtOner HochtOner ························ · ····· · ·· · ············· · ···· Ncnnleislung (RMS) ···· ··· ....... ··•·· ·· ·· ····· ··· ·· ····· ··· 100 W·Musikbclastb.lrkcitmax . 250W· Empfindlichkeil· Frequenzgang· Ncnnimpedanz· Wasserfesl ····················· ····· ································ IPX7Ou tput Sound Pressure Frequency Characteristic Input Voltage 2 VAusgan gs- SchalldruckFrcqucnzcigcnschaftm Eingangsspannung2VCaractcr i stiquedefreq uence d epressionsonoredesortie Tensi ond·entree2VCarat10ristica Frequenza Pressiooe Audio Uscita Voltaggio lngresso 2 VCaracteristica de Frecuencia de Presi6o Sonora de Salida Voltaje de entrada de 2 VCarac1cris1icadcFrcqutnciadcPress3oSonoradcSalda Tens~odccntrada: 2 V'-laCTOTHaR xapaKTepl'1CTl'1Ka BbtXQ,QHOro 3BYKOBoro 11aeneHl'1R Bxo11Hoe HanpR)l(8Hl'1e 2 Bu1.,H J;...,11~.,; [μ1..::. ,....1 1..1•.,..... 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