! iPhone Data Plan.Note: if the Data Plan for your iPhone doesnot provide for unlimited data usage, addi-tional charges from your carrier may apply foraccessing app-based connected content via3G and/or EDGE networks.! Connection to the Internet via 3G, EDGE orWi-Fi network.Limitations:! Access to app-based connected content willdepend on the availability of cellular and/orWi-Fi network coverage for the purpose of al-lowing your iPhone to connect to the Internet.! Service availability may be geographically lim-ited to the region. Consult the connected con-tent service provider for additionalinformation.! Ability of this product to access connectedcontent is subject to change without noticeand could be affected by any of the following:compatibility issues with future firmware ver-sions of iPhone; compatibility issues with fu-ture versions of the connected contentapplication(s) for the iPhone; changes to ordiscontinuation of the connected Content ap-plication(s) or service by its provider.! Pioneer is not liable for any issues that mayarise from incorrect or flawed app-basedcontent.! The content and functionality of the sup-ported applications are the responsibility ofthe App providers.! In Advanced App Mode, functionalitythrough the product is limited while driv-ing, with available functions determined bythe App providers.! Availability of Advanced App Mode func-tionality is determined by the App provider,and not determined by Pioneer.! Advanced App Mode allows access to ap-plications other than those listed (subjectto limitations while driving), but the extentto which content can be used is deter-mined by the App providers.BluetoothBluetooth is a short-range wireless radio con-nectivity technology that is developed as acable replacement for cellular phones, hand-held PCs and other devices. Bluetooth oper-ates in 2.4 GHz frequency range and transmitsvoice and data at speeds up to 1 megabit persecond. Bluetooth was launched by a specialinterest group (SIG) comprising Ericsson Inc.,Intel Corp., Nokia Corp., Toshiba and IBM in1998, and it is currently developed by nearly2 000 companies worldwide.! The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are re-gistered trademarks owned by BluetoothSIG, Inc. and any use of such marks byPIONEER CORPORATION is under license.Other trademarks and trade names arethose of their respective owners.SD and SDHC logomicroSD Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.microSDHC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C,LLC.En 11EnglishAppendixAppendix