328 Recording Other SourcesDigital synchro recordingIf you have a CD, MD, DAT or DCC player connected to either of thedigital inputs of this recorder, you can make digital recordingsfrom it very simply using this mode.Note that double speed recording is not possible in this mode.1 Make sure that any discs loaded inthe CD changer are stopped.2 Load a CD–R or CD–RW disc.If it’s a blank disc, the display shows NEW DISC.If the disc isn’t blank, use the DISPLAY button to check thatthere's enough space on it for what you want to record.3 Press INPUT to choose optical orcoaxial input.Pressing INPUT repeatedly switches the active input:ANALOG – OPTICAL – COAXIALThe recorder's display indicates the current input.4 If you want to adjust the recordinglevel:Start playing a sample of the source material, then turn theREC LEVEL knob to adjust the recording level (clockwise toincrease or anticlockwise to reduce). Use the level meter toguage the the best recording level (the loudest sounds in thesource should just reach 0dB on the meter; the red segmentsin the level meter should not light at all).• Push the REC LEVEL knob to reset the recording level. Thismeans that the recording level will be the same as thesource.5 Make sure that the source is notplaying, then press SYNCHRO.Digital synchro recording will not work if the source isalready playing!Pressing SYNCHRO repeatedly switches the synchro mode:• 1-track synchro – recorder stops recording when itencounters a new track number/start ID on the source or 5seconds of silence.• all-track synchro – recorder stops recording when itdetects more than 5 seconds of silence in the sourcematerial.• all-track with finalize – as all-track synchro, but therecorder automatically finalizes the disc after recording.The SYNCHRO indicator and play light will start to blinkwhen the recorder is ready.To cancel recording here, press 7.6 Play the source.The recorder starts recording automatically.Press DISPLAY to switch displays during recording.7 The recorder goes into record-pauseafter recording.Be careful: In all-track synchro mode, if the recorderdetects another signal, recording starts again.• If you're using all-track synchro with finalize, the recorderwill start finalizing the disc after a minute of silence.• Press 7 to finish the recording before ejecting the disc.If you find that digital synchro recording does not seemto work, see Digital synchro recording troubleshooting onpage 40 for possible remedies.‡ REC LEVELINPUT SYNCHROPUSH ON-OFFOPEN/CLOSE3 - COMPACT DISC MULTI CHANGERDISP7COMPACT DISC DIGITAL RECORDER0◊ÛB¿ˆ≥≤/COMPACT DISC RECORDER / MULTI-CD CHANGERCD-R CONTROL