PDP-433PU 675 6 7 85 6 7 8CDFABE6.2 ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED WHEN THE SET IS REPAIRED OR REPLACEDDIGITAL VIDEO AssyWhen repairedNo adjustment required.MR INTERFACE Assy• Set the slide SW referring to the table on page 22.When replacedSW POWER SUPPLY ModuleWhen replacedNo adjustment required.• Remove IC1204 (24LC04(1) SN-TBB) from the former PCBoard and install it to the new PC Board.Y DRIVE AssyWhen repairedWhen replacedNote: If the Pulse Module fails, it is not possible to repair theY DRIVE Assy by replacing only the Pulse Module.Replace the entire Y DRIVE Assy.1. Panel white balance adjustment1. VOFS/VH/IC5V voltage adjustment1. Panel white balance adjustment1. VRN voltage adjustmentX DRIVE AssyWhen repairedWhen replacedNote: If the Pulse Module fails, it is not possible to repair theX DRIVE Assy by replacing only the Pulse Module.Replace the entire X DRIVE Assy.DIGITAL VIDEOAssyX DRIVEAssyY DRIVEAssyMR INTERFACEAssySW POWER SUPPLYModuleFig. 1 Configuration of the PC Board (rear side view)