Pioneer MVH-AV290BT Owner's Manual
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AppendixBluetooth0Bluetooth®TheBlue tooth® word mark and logos arer·egrsteredtr ·adem ar·ksowned by th e Bluetoot h SIG.Inc. and any use of such marksbyPIONEER CORPORATIONisunderlicense.Other trademarksandtr-adenames are those of their r·espectrve owner ·s.WMAWindows Mediaiseither a registeredt:·ademarkortr-ademar-kof Mi crosoft Corpor·ationinthe Unrted Statesand/or other·countries.This product includes techn ologyowned by MrcrosoftCor-poration and cannotbeused or drstrrbuted without a licensefrom Microsoft Licensing, Inc.AACisshor·t for Advanced Audro Coding and r·efer-s toanaudiocompression technology standardusedwithMPEG-2andMPEG-4.Several applications canbeused to encode AACfiles.but filefor·mats and extensions differ dependrngonthe applica-tion whichisused to encode. This unit playsback AAC fi lesencodedbyiTunes.R~~~le~.hif~~-regardingconnected iPod>dewices• Pioneer accepts no responsibiIity for data losthomaniPod, even if that dataislost while usin g this pmduct.Please back. up you r i Pod data regu larly.•Donot leave th e iPodindirect sun!r ghtfor·extende damounts of time. Extended exposure to drrect sun irghtcan resu lt in iP odmalfunction due to the result in g hightemperature.• Do notle avethe iPod in any location with hightemperatures.• Frrmly secure the iPod when driving. Do not let the iPodfall onto the floor. wher·eit may become Jarnrned under· thebrakeorgaspedal.:>For deta ils.r·eferlo theiPoomanuals.iPodandiPhoneMade for~iPodDiPhone"Mad e for :Pod" and "Madefor· iPhone" meanthatanelectronicaccessor-y hasbeendesrgned to connect specrfica ily toiPodoriPhone. respect ively.and hasbeen certif iedby thedeveloper tomeet Apple pedon11arKe st and ards.Apple:snot r·espon srble for theoper·ation ofth1sdevice or 1tscompliancewrth saf etyanclregulator·ystanda rds.Pleasenote tllat the use of thrs accessor·ywith:Pod m iPhonemay affect wrr·eless performa nce.iPhone.iP od.iPod classic. iPod :1ano.and rPodto u ch are trade -rnark s of Apple Inc..r·egrster·edrr1th e U.S.and other·count:·ies.LightningLigh tnmg is a trademar-k of App! e inc.AppStore.App Storersaservice mark of AppleIn c.iOSiOS isa trad emarkonwhrch Cisco holds th e tradem ark ngh trntileUSand ce rtain other countries.iTunesrTunes isatrademark of Ap ple Inc..regi ster ·ed inth eU.S.andotl1ei"coun tries.Using app•based.connectedcontent~IMPORTANTRequ rrement s to access app -based co n neeted contentservrces usrng this product:• Latestver·sionof the Pioneer compatible connectedconte nt appl rcatron (s)for the smartphone.avarl ablefromthe service provrder.down loadedtoyour-smartphone.• A. current account with the content servrceprovider.• Srnartph one Data Plan.Note: if t he Data Plan for your smartphone does not pro-';rdeforunlimitedclata.usage.acidrtional char·gestr·omyou rcar·rier· may apply for· accessing app-based co nnectedcontent via3G.EDGEand/ or LTE(4G)ne twork s.• Connectron to the lnter·netvra3G.EDGE.LTE(4G)orWr-F1networ-k .• Optiona l Pioneer adapte r cable conn ecting your rPhone tothispr-oduct.Limitations:• Access toap p-b ase d conne cted co ntent will dependontheavarlabi lity of cellu larand/or·Wi-Finetwo rk. coverage forthe purpose of allowin g your smartphone to connect to th elntemet.• Service availab ility maybegeographica lly lim ited to th eregi on. Consult the connected cor1tentservice provider·for·additional informatron.• Abi lity of t his prod uct to access connected contentissubject to change wrthout notice and couldbeaffectedby any of the follovvrng: compatibrlityissues with futLH efir·mwareversi ons of smartphone: cornpatib ility issues wit hfuturever·sionsof the connected co nten t application(s)for the smadphone: changes to or discontinuation of t hecon nected Content appl icatron(s)or servicebyits provider.Not-i··ce rega•rdi··f1·g·••·•··V·ici·E!•t3·i¥iewi ·ngRemember· that use of thrs system for commercial or publrc vrew-ingpurposes ma y const ituteaninfringementontheauthm'sr·ight sasprotectedbythe CopyrightLaw.35 |
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