Operating 41Operating4Playing a file on a networkserveryuiThis player can play movie, music and photo fileslocated in a PC or a DLNA server through yourhome network.1. Check the network connection and settings(pages 26-30).2. Press HOME MENU (n).3. Select [Movie], [Photo] or [Music] using A/D,and press ENTER (b).4. Select a DLNA media server or a share folderon your PC on the list using W/S, and pressENTER (b).If you want to rescan available media server,press the green (B) colored button.5. Select a file using W/S/A/D, and pressENTER (b) to play the file.y The file requirements are described on page11.y The thumbnail of the unplayable files canbe displayed, but those cannot be playedon this player.y The subtitle file name and movie file namehave to be the same and located at thesame folder.y The playback and operating quality may beaffected by your home network condition.y You may experience connection problemsdepending on your server’s environment.y DTCP-IP cannot be supported.,, NoteEntering a network user ID and thepasswordDepending on your PC’s environment, you mayneed to enter a network user ID and the passwordfor accessing a shared folder.1. The keyboard menu appears automatically if thenetwork user ID and the password are required.2. Use W/S/A/D to select a character thenpress ENTER (b) to confirm your selection onthe virtual keyboard.To enter a letter with an accent mark, pressDISPLAY (m) to display the extended characterset.[Cancel] – Returns to the previous screen.[Space] – Inserts a space at the cursor position.[<–] – Deletes the previous character at thecursor position.[ABC / abc / #+-=&] – Change the keyboardmenu settings to capital letters, small letters orsymbols.3. When you finish entering the network user IDand password, select [OK] using W/S/A/Dand press ENTER (b) to access the folder.The network user ID and password will beremembered after accessing the folder for yourconvenience. If you do not want the network userID and password to be remembered, press red (A)colored button to un-tick the [Remember] checkbox before accessing the folder.