AUDIODIGITALTIMERDTr5LYo-\rL311N|ln|lililililI M P O R T A N TN O T I C ED T - 5i s d e s i g n e dt o o p e r a t ef r o m 11 0 v , i 2 0 v , 2 2 0 y o r 2 4 oV m a i n .B e f o r et u r n i n go n t h epower, pleaseconfirmthat the settingsof the linevoltageselectorswitchand linefrequencyselectorswitchareset correctlyfor usein your area;if nor, changethe settingas describedin" B E F O R EU S E " o n p a g e 2 .(D rrloRleEfi. ''*-qi.""' .-SS/Gl*.t. ";- "-l ';."*, 5:-/ "r