DRM-6NX45N.C. 1RY/BY 2N.C. 3A 7A0 – A164A 6 5A 5 6A 4 7A 3 8A 2 9A 1 10A 0 11CS 12Vss 13OE 14DQ 0 15DQ 8 16DQ 1 17DQ 9 18DQ 2 19DQ 10 20DQ 3 21DQ 11DQ0 – DQ154443424140393837363534333231302928272625242322RESETRY/BYBufferRY/BYControlCircuitWrite CircuitChip EnableOutput EnableCircuitEraceCircuitY DecoderX DecoderAddress LatchSTBSTBWrite/EracePulse TimerLow Vcc Det.CircuitWEA 8A 9A 10A 11A 12VssA 13A 14A 15A 16BYTEDQ 15/A- 1A-1DQ 7DQ 14DQ 6DQ 13DQ 5DQ 12DQ 4VccVssVccWERESETBYTECSOEY GateData LatchInput/OutputBuffer2,097,152bitsCell Matrix1414 3 – 11, 34 – 4215 – 22, 24 – 3112 44 33 43 27 PD6287B: (IC702: MAIN BOARD ASSY)¶ Flash Memory¶ The information shown in the list is basic information and maynot correspond exactly to that shown in the schematic diagrams.7. GENERAL INFORMATION7.1 IC¶ Pin Assignment (Top View)¶ Block Diagram