Numisys / JB CD-ROM page 4Use for TransmissionAudio items used for on Air transmissionmay be located on CDs into the Jukebox.The CD-ROM jukebox is able to:• preload audio items into the central serveraccording to scheduled playlists.• provide direct access to audio items forunexpected items.Use of audio located in Jukebox is then fullytransparent and secured for On Airoperations.Use from ArchivingAll CD-ROMs located in the Jukebox may beused by the archiving position.It is then possible to:• Select an archiving session (set of audio orentire show with playlist) in one of theCDs• Choose one or several items• Restore audio & data associated into thecentral libraryUse for Audition/editingThe Jukebox coupler may be controlled byall applications requiring audio material.The main applications are:• editing software: audition and use in anedit list• audition module: capability to listen to anaudio archived from scheduling position.Priority ManagementAs many applications may send request tothe jukebox coupler, a priority managementis implemented in order to:• ensure On Air use• classify user by priority