! Read the entire manual before upgradingthe program of your navigation system.! This package is unique, and cannot be in-stalled on more than one unit.! Web-connected computer is required foronline issuance of password.Failure to operate! Should the navigation system fail to oper-ate properly, contact your dealer or nearestauthorized Pioneer Service Station.! Do not lose the supplied Media NumberCard (MEDIA NUMBER CARD). If theMedia Number Card is lost, reissue of theMedia Number (MEDIA NUMBER) is notpossible. Also you must submit the MediaNumber Card when repairs are needed.The card is necessary as proof of authenti-city if service is required (including recov-ery).After-sales service for Pioneer productsPlease contact the dealer or distributor fromwhich you purchased the product for after-sales service (including warranty conditions)or any other information. In case the necessaryinformation is not available, please contact thecompanies listed below.Please do not ship your product to the compa-nies at the addresses listed below for repairwithout making advance contact.! U.S.APioneer Electronics (USA) Inc.CUSTOMER SUPPORT DIVISIONP.O. Box 1760 Long Beach, CA 90801-1760800-421-1404! CANADAPioneer Electronics of Canada, Inc.CUSTOMER SATISFACTION DEPARTMENT340 Ferrier Street, Unit 2, Markham, OntarioL3R 2Z5, Canada1-877-283-5901905-479-4411For warranty information, please see the Lim-ited Warranty sheet included with your pro-duct.Visit our websiteVisit us at the following site:http://www.pioneerelectronics.comIn Canadahttp://www.pioneerelectronics.ca1 Register your product. We will keep the detailsof your purchase on file to help you refer tothis information in the event of an insuranceclaim such as loss or theft.2 Receive updates on the latest products andtechnologies.3 Download owner’s manuals, order productcatalogs, research new products, and muchmore.4 Receive notices of software upgrades andsoftware updates.En8Chapter01 Precaution