Pausing a songPause lets you temporarily stop playback of asong.% Touch f during playback.PAUSE appears in the display.# To resume playback at the same point that youturned pause on, touch f again.# You can also turn pause on or off by pressingPGM.Displaying textinformation on iPodText information recorded on the iPod can bedisplayed.% Touch DISP.Touch DISP repeatedly to switch between thefollowing settings:T. Title (song title)—Artist (artist name)—Album (album title)# If the characters recorded on the iPod are notcompatible with a head unit, those characterswill not be displayed.NoteYou can scroll the title to the left by keepingtouching DISP.Repeating playFor playback of the songs on the iPod, thereare two repeat play ranges: TRACK (repeatone song) and ALL (repeat all songs in thelist).! While REPEAT is set to TRACK, you cannotselect the other songs.1 Press A.MENU and then touch FUNC todisplay the function names.2 Touch REPEAT to select the repeatrange.Touch REPEAT repeatedly until the desired re-peat range appears in the display.! TRACK – Repeat just the current song! ALL – Repeat all songs in the selectedlistPlaying songs in a randomorder (shuffle)For playback of the songs on the iPod, thereare two random play methods: TRACK (playback songs in a random order) and ALBUM(play back albums in a random order).1 Press A.MENU and then touch FUNC todisplay the function names.2 Touch RANDOM to select the randomplay method.Touch RANDOM repeatedly until the desiredrandom play method appears in the display.! TRACK – Play back songs in a randomorder within the selected list! ALBUM – Select an album randomly, andthen play back all the songs in it in orderPlaying songs on iPodEn6Section02