CD-BTB100/XN/EW5 75 6 7 85 6 7 8CDFABE- Test mode (using spectrum analyzer)1. CautionsIf there is a spectrum analyzer supporting 2.4 GHz at the service site, confirmation oftransmission carrier becomes possible.Since CD-BTB100 cannot operate singly, the main set with IP-BUS control is required.Carrier existence is checked by removing the product case and applying the probe ontothe "ANT" land of the base unit.Since it is done by probe connection, the level cannot be confirmed accurately.2. Function outlineSimple operation check on Bluetooth is executed in test mode using a spectrum analyzersupporting 2.4 GHz.Output check on Bluetooth unit3. Configuration diagramSpectrum analyzer supporting 2.4 GHz4. Procedure for test mode startup1. Test mode startupStart up the power supply bysimultaneously pressing 4+6 keys andset the Head Unit mode to test mode.2. Mode switchingUse the BAND/ key to switch fromproduction engineering test modeto authentication/design test mode.3. Display switches asshown on the left figureSwitch display using the right keyand set the 5 Local TX no modula-tion test mode.Use key 1 to set the Local TX nomodulation detail setup mode.4. To Local TX no modulationdetail modeUse key 3 to switch the frequency."Transition of display""Transition of display" "Operation""Operation"C N : W A I TInitial screen for production engineering test modeBAND keyL O O P . B _ SInitial screen for authentication/design test modeLocal TX no modulation detail settingTX FrequencyT _ 2 4 0 2Key 3 Key 4T _ 2T _ 2T _ 24444891051 Loop Back test:L O O P . B _ SRight keyLeft key2 Page Scan test:P . S C A N _ S3 Inquiry Scan test:I . S C A N _ S4 Local TX test:L . T X _ S5 Local TX no modulation test:SelectingLocal TX no modulation test:ExecutingL . T X N M _ S L . T X N M _ EKey 1Key 2To Loop Back test