Important! Before making a final installation of the unit,temporarily connect the wiring to confirm thatthe connections are correct and the systemwork properly.! Use only the parts included with the unit toensure proper installation. The use of un-authorized parts can cause malfunctions.! Consult with your nearest dealer if installationrequires the drilling of holes or other modifica-tions of the vehicle.! Install the unit where it does not get in the dri-ver’s way and cannot injure the passenger ifthere is a sudden stop, like an emergencystop.! When installing this unit, be sure to make suf-ficient space on its top surface. There is an an-tenna under the top surface and covering itmay cause trouble to the radio transmissionand reception.! Depending on the location of this unit, somenoise could be heard during playback of thesongs on Bluetooth audio player. In this situa-tion, move this unit so as to reduce noise.! When mounting this unit, make sure none ofthe leads are trapped between this unit andthe surrounding metalwork or fittings.! Do not mount this unit near the heater outlet,where it would be affected by heat, or near thedoors, where rainwater might splash onto it.! Before drilling any mounting holes alwayscheck behind where you want to drill theholes. Do not drill into the gas line, brake line,electrical wiring or other important parts.! If this unit installed in the passenger compart-ment, anchor it securely so it does not breakfree while the vehicle is moving, and cause in-jury or an accident.! If this unit is installed under a front seat,make sure it does not obstruct seat move-ment. Route all leads and cords carefullyaround the sliding mechanism so they do notcaught or pinched in the mechanism andcause a short-circuit.Installing this unitMounting with Velcro fastenersThoroughly wipe off the surface before affixingthe Velcro fasteners.! If the Velcro fasteners (hard) adhere to thecar mat directly, you may install this unitwithout using the Velcro fasteners (soft).% Mount this unit using the Velcro fasten-ers.Velcro fastener (hard)Car mat or chassisVelcro fastener (soft)This unitInstalling the microphoneCAUTIONIt is extremely dangerous to allow the micro-phone lead to become wound around the steer-ing column or gearstick. Be sure to install theunit in such a way that it will not obstruct driving.NoteInstall the microphone in a position and orienta-tion that will enable it to pick up the voice of theperson operating the system.InstallationEn38Section07