86Outdoor check functionN Display Remark00 Normal display Display running frequency, running state or malfunctioncode01 Indoor unit capacity demand codeActual data*HP*10If capacity demand code is higher than 99, the digital displaytube will show single digit and tens digit. (For example, thedigital display tube show “5.0”,it means the capacity demandis 15. the digital display tube show “60”,it means thecapacity demand is 6.0)02 Amendatory capacity demand code03 The frequency after the capacity requirementtransfer04 The frequency after the frequency limit05 The frequency of sending to 341 chip06 Indoor unit evaporator outlet temp.(heating T2,cooling T2B)If the temp. is lower than 0 degree, the digital display tubewill show “0”.If the temp. is higher than 70 degree, the digitaldisplay tube will show “70”.07 Condenser pipe temp.(T3) If the temp. is lower than -9 degree, the digital display tubewill show “-9”.If the temp. is higher than 70 degree, thedigital display tube will show “70”. If the indoor unit is notconnected, the digital display tube will show: “――”08 Outdoor ambient temp.(T4)09 Compressor discharge temp.(T5)The display value is between 13~129 degree. If the temp. islower than 13 degree, the digital display tube will show“13”.If the temp. is higher than 99 degree, the digital displaytube will show single digit and tens digit. (For example, thedigital display tube show “0.5”,it means the compressordischarge temp. is 105 degree. the digital display tube show“1.6”,it means the compressor discharge temp. is 116degree)10 AD value of current The display value is hex number.11 AD value of voltage12 Indoor unit running mode code Off:0, Fan only 1,Cooling:2, Heating:313 Outdoor unit running mode code Off:0, Fan only 1,Cooling:2, Heating:3, Forced cooling:414 EXV open angleActual data/4.If the value is higher than 99, the digital display tube willshow single digit and tens digit.For example, the digital display tube show “2.0”,it means theEXV open angle is 120×4=480p.)