3Table of ContentsIntroductionManual Overview 2How to use this manual 2Terminology 2Table of Contents 3Important Safety Information 3Notes Before Using the System and AdditionalSafety Information 4Precaution 4After-sales service for Pioneer products 5Product registration 5Update DVD 5Chapter 1How to Use Remote Control andNames of PartsPreparing the Remote Control 7Inserting the battery for the Remote Control 7Getting to Know the Components and What TheyDo 8The Steering Remote Control 8Microphone 9Main unit 9AppendixHandling and Care of the Disc 11Resetting the System 11Specifications 12Important Safety InformationBefore using your Navigation System, be sure toread and fully understand the following safetyinformation:• Read the entire manual before operating thisNavigation System.• The navigation features of this unit areintended solely as an aid to you in the opera-tion of your vehicle. They are not substitutes foryour attentiveness, judgment, and care whendriving.• Do not operate this Navigation System if doingso in any way will divert your attention from thesafe operation of your vehicle. Always observesafe driving rules and follow all existing trafficregulations. If you experience difficulty in oper-ating the system or reading the display, parkyour vehicle in a safe location and make neces-sary adjustments.• Never allow others to use the system unlessthey have read and understood the operatinginstructions.• Never use this Navigation System to route tohospitals, police stations, or similar facilities inan emergency. Please call 911.• Route and guidance information displayed bythis equipment is for reference purposes only.It may not accurately reflect the latest permis-sible routes, road conditions, one way streets,road closures, or traffic restrictions.• Traffic restrictions and advisories currently inforce should always take precedence overguidance given by this product. Always obeycurrent traffic restrictions, even if this productprovides contrary advice.• Failure to input correct information about thelocal time may result in the product providingimproper routing and guidance instructions.• Never set the volume of your Navigation Sys-tem so high that you cannot hear outside traf-fic and emergency vehicles. Please refer topage 1 for safe hearing guidelines.• To promote safety, certain functions are dis-abled unless the parking brake is on.• The data encoded in the disc for this product isthe intellectual property of the provider, andthe provider is responsible for such content.• Keep this manual handy as a reference foroperating procedures and safety information.• Pay close attention to all warnings in this man-ual and follow the instructions carefully.