6 Touch [Set Start Point].The “New Route to...” screen appears.7 Set the starting point of the route.= For details, refer to Chapter 5.8 Touch [Set Start point].The “Route Planner” screen appears.You can continue and add a destination toyour route.# If you touch [Continue Without Route], theMap screen returns with a transparent arrowmark (showing that there is no GPS reception).9 Touch [Show Route].After a short summary of the route para-meters, a map appears showing the entireroute. The route is automatically calculated.p If the current route already existed, it is nowrecalculated starting from the selected lo-cation.10 Touch [Start Navigation].Your navigation system starts the route gui-dance with a transparent arrow mark (showingthat there is no GPS reception).p If needed, you can select from differentroute alternatives or change the route plan-ning method before starting navigation.= For details, refer to Checking route alter-natives when planning the route on page39.p Touch [Turn on GPS] to return normal navi-gation.Editing the list of destinationsYou can edit the route by modifying the list ofdestinations (adding a waypoint, or changinga final destination, for example).1 Press the MAP button.The Map screen appears.2 Touch the following key.Displays the navigation menu onthe Map screen.3 Touch [My Route].The “My Route” screen appears.4 Edit the route by modifying the list ofdestinations.p To add the newly selected location as a way-point to your route, touch [Add Waypoint].If you have a route with at least one way-point, you can delete it from the list rightfrom the navigation menu.p To edit the route, touch a location from thelist. You can move up or down the givenroute point in the list, and change the newlyselected destination at the end of the route.p To save or delete a location, touch the loca-tion on the list.p To delete all the destinations, touch ,then [Delete All].5 When you are done editing, touch[Show Route].After a short summary of the route para-meters, a map appears showing the entireroute. The route is automatically calculated.6 Touch [Start Navigation].A map of the current position appears.Canceling the current routeguidanceIf you no longer need to travel to your destina-tion, follow the steps below to cancel the routeguidance.En40Chapter06 Checking and modifying the current route