Your new product and thismanual! The navigation features of this product(and the rear view camera option if pur-chased) are intended solely to aid you inthe operation of your vehicle. It is not a sub-stitute for your attentiveness, judgmentand care when driving.! Never use this product to route to hospi-tals, police stations, or similar facilities inan emergency. Please call the appropriateemergency number.! Do not operate this product, any applica-tions, or the rear view camera option (if pur-chased) if doing so will divert your attentionin any way from the safe operation of yourvehicle. Always observe safe driving rulesand follow all existing traffic regulations. Ifyou experience difficulty in operating thisproduct or reading the display, park yourvehicle in a safe location and apply theparking brake before making the necessaryadjustments.! This manual explains how to install thisproduct in your vehicle. Operation of thisproduct is explained in the separate man-uals.! Do not install this product where it may (i)obstruct the driver’s vision, (ii) impair theperformance of any of the vehicle’s operat-ing systems of safety features, includingairbags, hazard lamp buttons, or (iii) impairthe driver’s ability to safely operate the vehi-cle. In some cases, it may not be possibleto install this product because of the vehi-cle type or the shape of the vehicle interior.! Model icons shown in this manual indicatethat the description is intended for themodels indicated by the icons.If the following icon is shown, the descrip-tion is applied only to the model shown.e.g.)8200NEX! The graphical symbol placed onthe product means direct current.Important safeguardsWARNINGPioneer does not recommend that you installthis product yourself. This product is de-signed for professional installation only. Werecommend that only authorized Pioneer ser-vice personnel, who have special trainingand experience in mobile electronics, set upand install this product. NEVER SERVICETHIS PRODUCT YOURSELF. Installing orservicing this product and its connectingcables may expose you to the risk of electricshock or other hazards, and can cause da-mage to this product that is not covered bywarranty.! Read this manual fully and carefully beforeinstalling this product.! Keep this manual handy for future refer-ence.! Pay close attention to all warnings in thismanual and follow the instructions care-fully.! This product may in certain circumstancesdisplay inaccurate position of your vehicle,the distance of objects shown on thescreen, and compass directions. In addi-tion, the system has certain limitations, in-cluding the inability to identify one-waystreets, temporary traffic restrictions andpotentially unsafe driving areas. Please ex-ercise your own judgment in the light of ac-tual driving conditions.! As with any accessory in your vehicle’s in-terior, this product should not divert yourattention from the safe operation of yourvehicle as it may result in serious injury ordeath. If you experience difficulty in operat-ing the system or reading the display,please make adjustments while safelyparked.! Please remember to wear your seat belt atall times while operating your vehicle. Ifyou are in an accident, your injuries can beconsiderably more severe if your seat beltis not properly buckled.En 3EnglishSection01Precautions