MODEL STAV-3770/HTS-102(STAV-3770)AUDIO/VIDEO RECEIVERCatalog Number: 31-304231-3043¶ The service manual for this product includes Pioneer's RRV1925 VSX-D307/KUXJI service manual.The pages preceding that manual list additional specifications, all service changes betweenPioneer's RRV1925 VSX-D307/KUXJI and the 31-3042 STAV-3770/31-3043 HTS-102 (STAV-3770), andany RadioShack part numbers that are different from the Pioneer part numbers.¶ The specifications on Page 49 of the RRV1925 service manual for Pioneer's model VSX-D307/KUXJI are like the specifications listed in the owner's manual for the 31-3042 STAV-3770/31-3043HTS-102 (STAV-3770). Additional specs are given on the page inside the back cover.© 1998 Tandy Corporation.All Rights Reserved.Optimus and RadioShack are registered trademarks used by Tandy Corporation.31-3042/31-3043¶ HOME THEATER SYSTEM Model HTS-102 contains AUDIO/VIDEO RECEIVER HTS-102 (STAV-3770)and 6 speakers (2 front speakers, 1 center speaker, 2 rear speakers and 1 passive subwoofer).The parts for the speakers are listed on page 3.