Bind FXO ports to higher layer applications 449SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 37 • FXO port configurationBind FXO ports to higher layer applicationsAn FXO port needs to be associated to an fxo interface in a CS context. The same mechanism of encapsulationand binding is used as known for e.g. ethernet ports (see section “Interfaces, Ports, and Bindings” on page 38).Procedure: To bind an FXO port to an fxo interface of a CS contextMode: Port FXOConfigure country specific FXO port parametersUnlike ISDN, POTS is heavily country specific even though there is a good chance that a setting for one coun-try works reasonably good in another country. Country specific settings are contained in a so-called fxo profilewhich is integrated in the firmware of the SmartNode. It can be updated independently from the firmware bymeans of tftp download.As there are over 190 countries SmartWare of course does not support all different country parameters. Thusbefore operation make sure that the country parameter for your country is available as profile.Procedure: Configure country specific FXO parametersMode: Port FXOCommand PurposeStep 1node(config)#port fxoslot port Enter configuration mode for FXO portStep 2node(prt-fxo)[slot/port]#encap-sulation cc-fxoSets the encapsulation for the port. cc-fxo designsthe encapsulation is a context CS interfaceStep 3node(prt-fxo)[slot/port]#bindinterfaceinterfaceBinds the port to an interface in a CS contextCommand PurposeStep 1node(config)#port fxoslot port Enter configuration mode for FXO portStep 2node(prt-fxo)[slot/port]#useprofile fxoprofileSelect a profile containing the country specific set-tings of the port. Available profiles are:• ‘etsi’ according to ETSI standard• ‘fcc68_25Hz’ for the United States of America /Canada, according to the FCC86 standard,with 25Hz ringing detection.• ‘fcc68_50Hz’ for the United States of America /Canada, according to the FCC86 standard,with 50Hz ringing detection.• ‘tbr21_25Hz’, according to the TBR 21 stan-dard, with 25Hz ringing detection.• ‘tbr21_50Hz’, according to the TBR 21 stan-dard, with 50Hz ringing detection.The default profile (not displayed in the list whenentering the command) is etsi.