OnSite Expansion Modules Quick Start Guide 32.2 Cable ManagementThe HD-E1 module uses a future bus connector on the front panel and requires the use of cables with compatibleplugs for access to the E1 signals. These cables are ordered separately from the module and need to be specifiedaccording to the termination option for the module (75-ohm or 120-ohm) and the required cable length for thesite.Note Contact your local Patton sales representative if the shipment does not include the required cables forthe module.Chapter 7 of the OnSite Series Administrator’s Reference Guide provides information on the location and signalpin-out for each of the 21 E1 ports on the future bus connector. Each module requires six cables for access to all21 E1 ports. When installing the cables, make sure that the cable bundle does not cause strain on the future busconnector by pulling it up or down or sideways. You may tie the cable bundle together using a strap, as shown inFigure 2, to create a strain relief bend. In addition, use another strap, as shown in Figure 2, to tie the cablebundle to the rack post. This additional strap secures the cable bundle in place and prevents accidental move-ment that may cause strain to the connector.Figure 2. Cable dressing for the HD-E1 moduleMake sure that cable plug has the correct orientation before inserting theplug into the module. The plug should be inserted within a single sectionof the future bus connector with the release latch facing down. (The mod-ule has six, 24-pin connector sections.) The plug should snap into placesmoothly without the use of force. Wrong insertion may bend the connec-tor pins.CAUTION