5.1.2 LED DescriptionsThe status LED blinks yellow from one to eleven times to indicatesystem status. Each pulse pattern is separated by a 2 second "off " peri-od. Greater pulse patterns have higher priority (buffer saturation hasgreater priority than an empty MAC table).Valid system statuses are:1 pulse = system status ok2 pulses = No MAC entries in the MAC address table3 pulses = Clear to send (CTS) or Carrier Detect (DCD) frombase unit are not asserted4 pulses = IMRC2/IA buffer is saturated5 pulses = WAN receive frame(s) too large6 pulses = WAN receive frame(s) not Octet aligned7 pulses = WAN receive frame(s) aborted8 pulses = Detected WAN receive frame(s) with bad CRC9 pulses = Detected LAN receive frame(s) too large10 pulses = Detected LAN receive frame(s) not Octet aligned11 pulses = Detected LAN receive frame(s) with bad CRCAfter a status code is displayed eight times and the associated con-dition is removed, the status code will no longer appear.The link LED glows green to indicate link integrity on the 10BaseTtwisted pair line.5.1.3 Power and DCE/DTE Interface LEDsSeven LEDs indicate POWER and DTE/DCE activity on the front ofthe 2135.9RJ-45 Jack, 10BaseT connectionYellow LED,StatusGreen LED,link integrityPowerJackFigure 4. 2135 rear view5.0 CONFIGURATIONAll configuration is done through software auto-detection for theModel 2135. Once you have configured your mux or other equipmentto be connected to the 2135, the unit is ready for operation. Observethat the serial port of the 2135 is configured as a DTE and must con-nect to a DCE.The LAN port also requires no configuration to connect to a10BaseT Ethernet.Note: The V.35 Interface is configured as a DTE. The 2135 will transmitand receive data to and from the DCE, based on the speed of theclocks received from the DCE.On the LAN side interface, data is sent and received in burst mode at10Mbps.5.1 LED STATUS MONITORSThe 2135 uses two LEDs on the Ethernet connection side. A greenLED indicates that link connection to the network is established. Theyellow LED displays status codes (See section 5.1.2 for status codeinformation).Seven, low power, LEDs located on the top of the 2135 case indi-cate POWER and V.35 signal activity.5.1.1 LAN side LEDsThe Model 2135 features two LAN LEDs that monitor generaloperation status and the 10BaseT twisted pair link integrity. Figure 4shows the LEDs located at the rear of the Model 2135. FollowingFigure 4 is a description of each LED function. Figure 5 shows theLEDs located on the top of the Model 2135.10