91Gateway/Proxy: If you set the Connection Type to WAP,Gateway is displayed. If you set it to HTTP, Proxy is displayed.Press the [o] key to display the subfunctions IP Address,IP Port, Login ID and Password then input the appropriateinformation for each of the following subfunctions, inputting theinformation provided by your service provider.APN: (Access Point Name.) Press the [o] key to input theappropriate APN.Login ID: Press the [o] key to input the appropriate login ID.Password: Press the [o] key to input the appropriatepassword•DNS Settings: Input the appropriate IP address for theDomain Name Server. You can input the primary andsecondary DNS.•Bearer: Select the bearer type for each type of networkaccess. Press the [l] or [r] scroll key to select GSMOnly or GPRS Only.•Reset Profile: Press the [o] key to reset the settings ofthe selected profile. Press the [l] or [r] scroll key toselect Yes or No.CacheThis function sets up your phone’s cache. This feature isused to store WAP pages directly on your phone, to displaythem rapidly when you return to them.Cache ModeThis function sets up the cache memory check, whichverifies whether the WAP page’s information is alreadystored in your phone’s cache memory.❶ Press the [Menu] Soft key then select 8.Connectivitythen select 1.WAP then select 7.Cache then select1.Cache Mode.❷ Select one of the following options.•Always Check: The cache is always checked whenevera URL is loaded.•Never Check: The cache is never checked.Clear CacheThis function clears all data stored in the cache (recentlyvisited WAP pages).Press the [Menu] Soft key then select 8.Connectivity thenselect 1.WAP then select 7.Cache then select 2.ClearCache.WAPNOTE: This function is available only when your ConnectionType is set to HTTP.060602_PG-3300_EN(00)�‚�¬.indd 91 2006.6.8 4:53:49 PM