OrganiserOrganiser90TimerTimer sets the alarm bell to ring at a preset time.Press the [Menu] Soft key then select 7.Organiser thenselect 8.Timer.•Press the [Set] Soft key to input a time and the numberof minutes to count down then press the [o] key.•Press the [ ], key to start the countdown.•Press the [ ] key to pause the countdown, then pressthe [ ] key to restart the countdown.•After the preset time, your phone plays an animationand alarm sound. Press the [Stop] Soft key to stop both.•After the alarm and animation have played at the settime, both are reset automatically.Fatness CheckerThis function enables you to easily check your physicalcondition, which is affected by your weight changes, bydisplaying the fatness level and BMI index based on theheight and weight data you enter.Press the [Menu] Soft key then select 7.Organiser thenselect 9.Fatness Checker.Enter your height and weight, then press the [o] key tocheck your fatness level and BMI index.Press the [Option] Soft key [(] to select from thefollowing functions.•Measure Again: This function allows you to re-enter yourheight and weight.•About Fatness: Shows your fatness level determinedbased on the fatness value. Your phone calculatesfatness by comparing your weight against therecommended weight for your height.•About BMI: Shows your fatness level calculated from theBMI (Body Mass Index) value. Your phone calculates thisby comparing your weight with your height.060425-PG-3600V-EN�‚�¬(00).indd 90 2006.4.27 7:8:14 PM