120FUN & TOOLSFUN & TOOLSAfter the image is colored with a green color as above and the areais saved (Save Area), the green area will become a transparent areawhen loaded for editing other photographs.• Load: Used to load the image saved in File Viwer compressed(7. Fun&Tools 7.2 Downloaded 7.2.1 Image) and synthesizeit to the image currently being edited. If you move the cursor tothe desired location and press the digit 5 key, the image will besynthesized.• Undo: Used to undo one step of editing.SettingYou can set various options such as Mode, Resolution, Quality,Date, Menu, Flash, Sound, and Autoname. The options set in thismenu are automatically stored and are applied every time picturesor video are taken.Memory infoThis option shows the memory status. In order to select memoryinfo, press , then press .➨ ➨ ➨➨ ➨