17[STOP] buttonPlayback will stop and the "Playback" window will turn tothe "Live" page.[NEXT IMAGE] buttonThe next frame will be displayed and paused when thisbutton is clicked during playback.Each time this button is clicked during pausing, theframe next to the currently displayed frame will be dis-played.Note:When the mouse button is being held while placingthe mouse pointer on this button, the displayedimage number will be incremented.When the mouse button is released, the incrementof the image number will stop and the image numberdisplayed at the moment when the mouse button isreleased will be displayed.[PREV IMAGE] buttonThe previous frame will be displayed and paused whenthis button is clicked during playback.Each time this button is clicked during pausing, theframe previous to the currently displayed frame will bedisplayed.Note:When the mouse button is held down while themouse pointer is on this button, the image numberwill be decremented.When the mouse button is released, the decrementof the image number will stop and the image numberdisplayed at the moment when the mouse button isreleased will be displayed.[FF]/[REW] buttonsFast playback/fast reverse playback will be performed.Each time the button is clicked, the playback speed willchange.When the [PLAY]/[REV PLAY] button is clicked duringfast playback/fast reverse playback, the playback speedwill be x1.[TOP] buttonThe first image will be displayed.[LAST] buttonThe last image will be displayed.[Download] buttonThe selected image will be downloaded onto the PC.Before downloading images, designate the destinationdirectory in advance. ( Setup Instructions)The following window will be displayed when the[Download] button is clicked.All: All images saved at the selected time and date willbe downloaded.Current image: Only the currently displayed image willbe downloaded.Download range: Images in the designated range ofnumber of images will be downloaded.Notes:• When the [Cancel] button is clicked in the process ofthe download, the download will be canceled.In this case, images already downloaded beforeclicking the [Cancel] button will be saved on the des-tination directory.• Even when lower-case letters are used for "Filename" ( Setup Instructions) that is used for thename of the image to be saved on the SD memorycard manually or by an alarm input, the file name ofdownloaded images will be capitalized in uppercasewhen they are downloaded onto the PC.[Browse] buttonWhen successfully logged in after the user authentica-tion process, a folder on the SD memory card in whichimages are saved will be displayed. ( SetupInstructions)