14Log list displayed in the log list win-dow[Number of the listed logs]Total number of the logs of the selected log type and anumber of the log being displayed on the top of the loglist will be displayed.Note:Enter the desired log number and press the [Enter]key on the keyboard. The log of the designatednumber will be displayed on the top of the log list.[Top] buttonClick this button to display the log listed on the top ofthe currently displayed log list.[Prev. page] buttonClick this button to display the previous page of the loglist.Note:When the mouse button is held down while placingthe mouse pointer on the [Prev Page] button, thedisplayed log number will be decremented.When the mouse button is released, the decrementof the log number will stop and the log number dis-played at the moment when the mouse button isreleased will be the top of the currently displayedpage.[Next page] buttonClick this button to display the next page of the log list.Note:When the mouse button is held down while placingthe mouse pointer on the [Next Page] button, thedisplayed log number will be incremented.When the mouse button is released, the incrementof the log number will stop and the log number dis-played at the moment when the mouse button isreleased will be the top of the currently displayedpage.[Last] buttonClick this button to display the last log of the currentlydisplayed log list.[Time & date]Time and date when each log has been filed will be dis-played.Notes:• When "Off" is selected for "Time display format"( Setup Instructions), time and date of alarmoccurrence will be displayed in 24-hour format.• Alarm log: Alarm occurrence time and date will befiled as a log.Manual log: Time and date when recording ofimages onto the SD memory card started will befiled as a log. When recording are performedsequentially, logs will be filed every one hour.FTP trans. error log: Logs will be filed every onehour.[Event]The event type will be displayed.The event types will be displayed only when displayingthe alarm log list.TRM: Alarm by terminal alarmVMD: Alarm by VMD alarmCOM: Alarm by command alarm[SD memory card]Total capacity and remaining space of the SD memorycard will be displayed.There is no difference between this item and "SD cardmemory" on the [SD memory card] tab. (The same con-tents will be displayed.) ( Setup Instructions)[Delete] buttonClick this button to delete the currently displayed log list.When using the SD memory card, images associatedwith the log list will also be deleted.Important:• When many images are saved on the SD memorycard, it will take some time to complete the deletion.• In the process of the deletion, only logs will besaved, and it is impossible to save images newly.• Do not turn off the power of the camera until thedeletion is complete.When the power of the camera is turned off in theprocess of the deletion, some images may remainon the SD memory card.In this case, click the [Delete] button on the samelog list window used to delete the logs.