36TroubleshootingCheck the following before requesting repair.Consult your sales shop if these measures do not resolve a problem, if symptoms not listed here occur, or if you have a questionrelated to engineering.Symptom Cause/solution Reference pagesNo communication betweenthe order post, Belt Packsand All-In-One Headsets ispossible.p Is the power cord connected securely to the AC input terminalof this unit and to the power outlet?¬ Check whether it is connected.P.24Paging between the storepersonnel is possible, buttalking with the customersusing the order post is notpossible.p Have the microphone input and speaker output of the orderpost been connected properly?¬Check whether it is connected properly.P.25An echo is heard from theearphone of the headsetwhen an individual is talkinginto the headset microphone.p The speaker and microphone for the order post may not havebeen installed correctly.¬ Check that the speaker and microphone are placed at asufficient distance from each other, and anchor them securelyso that any vibrations are absorbed.WX-CS460OperatingInstructionsp The input and output audio levels may have been set too high.¬ Lower the audio input and output levels (OUT MIC/OUT SP) forthe order post to the appropriate level. (Feedback noise can beprevented by selecting a setting that lowers the audio input level.)OperatingInstructionsInstructions>p The echo canceller is off or its level is low.¬ Set the echo canceller to the appropriate level.(The default setting is “MID”.)OperatingInstructionsInstructions>A lot of noise is heard fromorder post.p DNR is OFF or its level may be low.¬ Set the DNR to the appropriate level.(The default setting is “MID”.)OperatingInstructionsInstructions>There is no reaction evenwhen the buttons on thetouch panel are touched.p Is the touch panel dirty?¬ Clean the touch panel.If there is no improvement even after it has been cleaned, adjustthe touch panel.P.10When one of the buttons onthe touch panel has beentouched, another buttonreacts instead.p The touch panel must be adjusted.¬ Adjust the touch panel.OperatingInstructionsInstructions>Communication breaks up orit is hardly possible to hearwhat is being said.p Are the All-In-One Headsets or Belt Packs too far away fromthe Center Module, or are there any obstructions such asconcrete walls or metal devices between the Center Moduleand the All-In-One Headsets or Belt Packs?¬ Contact the store where you purchased this unit, and move thisunit to a location where there are no obstructions around it.–––No communication with thecameras is possible.p Have the cameras been registered in the Center Module?¬ No communication with the cameras is possible if the camerashave not been registered. Register the cameras that are to beconnected.OperatingInstructionsNothing happens even whenoperations are performedcorrectly; or the operationsare performing incorrectly.p This unit may not be working properly.¬ Press the reset button on the side panel of this unit using a fine-tipped object. (The settings, etc. will not be cleared.)P.13