17About the [INITIAL SET] buttonAfter turning off the power of the camera, turn on the power of the camera while holding down thisbutton, and wait for around 5 seconds or more without releasing this button. Wait around 2 minutesafter releasing the button. The camera will start up and the settings including the network settingswill be initialized. Do not turn off the power of the camera during the process of the initialization.Before initializing the settings, it is recommended to write down the settings in advance.POWER10BASE T/100BASE-TXAUDIO OUT MIC/LINE INEXT I/OSD CARD/ABFMONITOR OUTACT LINK12V = INGND 4 3 2 1INITIALSETALARM IN 1/DAY/NIGHT INALARM IN 3/AUX OUT ALARM IN 2/ALARM OUT12 V DC power supply terminalMonitor for adjustmentOutput connectorPower indicatorAccess indicator(blinks when accessing)Link indicatorNetwork connectorAudio output connectorEXT I/O terminalsINITIAL SET buttonMicrophone/line input connector(lit when linking)SD memory card error indicator/ABF indicator (blinks when ABF is beingactivated)POWER10BASE T/100BASE-TXEXT I/OABFMONITOR OUTACT LINK12V = INGND 4 3 2 1INITIALSETALARM INAUX OUT ALARM OUT12 V DC power supply terminalMonitor for adjustmentOutput connectorPower indicatorAccess indicator(blinks when accessing)Link indicatorNetwork connectorEXT I/O terminalsINITIAL SET button(lit when linking)ABF indicator(blinks when ABF is being activated)