13About the automatic status detectionfunctionWhen this product malfunctions due to exoge-nous noise, etc. for 30 seconds or more, theproduct will automatically reset and will returnto normal state. When the product is reset, ini-tialization will be carried out as when the powerof the product is turned on. When the productrepeatedly resets, exogenous noise levelaround the product may be high and that maycause malfunction. Contact your dealer forinstructions.Transmission intervalImage transmission interval may become slowdepending on the network environment, PCperformance, shooting subject, access num-ber, etc.Periodically images on the screen appearto be distortedWhen the camera is installed in a locationwhere it is subject to small vibrations (for exam-ple, when it is installed near devices thatvibrate), images may appear distorted andstretched lengthways. This phenomenon is acharacteristic of image pickup devices that useCMOS sensors and is caused by the relation-ship between the periodic movements of thecamera and the timing that the image sensorreads images. This is not a problem with thecamera. To reduce the possibility of this phe-nomenon occurring, install the camera in asecure location.About SD memory card• To remove the SD memory card, holddown the SD ON/OFF button for about 2seconds. When the flashing SD MOUNTlamp goes out, you can remove the SDmemory card.• When using an SD memory card, format itusing this product. Recorded data on theSD memory card will be deleted when for-matted. If an unformatted SD memory cardor an SD memory card formatted withother devices is used, this product maynot work properly or performance deterio-ration may be caused. Refer to theOperating Instructions on the providedCD-ROM for how to format an SD memorycard.• When some SD memory cards are usedwith this product, the product may notwork properly or performance deteriorationmay be caused. Use the SD memorycards recommended in page 26.About the MOS image sensor• When continuously shooting a bright lightsource such as a spotlight, the color filterof the MOS image sensor may becomedeteriorated and this may cause discolor-ation. Even when changing the fixedshooting direction after continuouslyshooting a spotlight for a certain period,the discoloration may remain.• When shooting fast-moving subjects orobjects crossing the shooting area maylook to be bending askew.SF V311 SF V310About the dehumidifying device• This product has dehumidifying device tokeep the inside at low moisture level, pre-venting condensation and quickly dissipat-ing dew if produced.• Dew may be produced depending on theconditions of temperature, humidity, winds,and rain, and it may take time to dehumidify.• The dehumidifier element is mountedinside the enclosure. In order to maintainnormal operation of the dehumidifier func-tion, do not caulk (fill the clearance withsealants or other materials) the clearancebetween the enclosure and the ceiling orwall.Dehumidifyingdevice