31[USER ID]Set the user ID for accessing the cameras and loggingin. Enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters.[PASSWORD]Set the password for accessing the cameras and log-ging in. Enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters.[TIME ZONE]Displays the time zone of the camera.[CAM SETUP]Clicking the [SETUP] button of the desired camera willopen the camera setting menu. Opening the camerasetting menu is possible only if [Comm] – [Basic Setup]- [Port Forwarding] on the setup menu (Advanced) is setto "ON". Group SetupDisplays the group title of the camera. The followingwindow will be displayed when the [SETUP] button isclicked.Click the [SET] button after completing the settings, andclose the window by clicking the [×] button at the topright of the window.Displays the group title of the camera. Enter up to 16alphanumeric characters except the following: ! $ % ' <= > @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~Available characters are the same as for the cameratitle.[Rec & Event Setup]Perform the settings for the basic recording and the settings for event actions of each event type (site alarm, terminalalarm and command alarm).Screenshot 1Click "Rec & Event Setup" on the setup menu (Quick) todisplay the recording & event setup window. Step 1Perform the settings for each item.Refer to the following for further information about thesettings for each item.Step 2Click the [SET] button after completing the settings.