5CAUTIONMono bloc unitDo not wash the unit with water,benzine, thinner or scouringpowder to avoid damage orcorrosion on the unit.Do not install the unit closeto any combustibles or atbathroom. Otherwise, it maycause electric shock and/or fire.Do not touch the water dischargepipe of the unit during operation.Do not place any material on theunit or under it.Do not touch the sharpaluminium fin; sharp partsmay cause injury.Do not use the system duringsterilisation in order to preventscalding with hot water, oroverheating of shower.Prevent water leakage byensuring that the drainage pipeis connected properly.After a long period of use, makesure the installation rack is notdeteriorated. The deterioratedrack may cause the unit to falldown.Ask an authorised dealerto determine the level ofsterilisation function field settingsaccording to the local laws andregulations.Remote controlDo not wet the remote control.Failure to do so may result inelectric shock and/or fire.Do not press the buttons on theremote control using hard andsharp objects. Failure to do somay cause damage to the unit.Do not wash the remote controlusing water, benzine, thinner orscouring powder.Do not inspect or maintain theremote control by yourself.Consult an authorised dealer inorder to prevent personal injurycaused by incorrect operation.EnglishSafety precautions