ヵヷ モヷヵヷ22Viewing TeletextYou can enjoy timely news, weather forecasts, stock market and other various information in digitalteletext services provided by broadcasters.When the teletext service is available, a bar appears on the screen indicating how to start the service. Theoperation method depends on the broadcasters.●(example)Service listDigital teletext (MHEG)Digital teletext servicesDigital teletext services differ greatly from analogue teletext.In a digital teletext service, you can see the images that contain graphics and text, laid out and controlled in amanner decided by the broadcaster.1 Select Digital TV modeTV2 Select a programmeorWait for a few seconds(example)Bar3 Follow the instruction on the screenIn all cases, it is possible to navigate the pages using buttons on theremote control, but because the commands available must apply to allmanufacturers of digital equipment, some on screen commands maynot correspond exactly to the remote control buttons.For example:When “select” or “go” is displayedWhen “◄”, “►”, “▲”, “▼” symbol is displayedWhen “back key” is displayed RETURNWhen a colour is used R G Y BWhen options with numbers are displayedWhen “i” is displayed (information)When “EPG” is displayedNoteAs soon as you switch to a digital channel with links to a teletext service,software is downloaded in the background to enable the teletext function.Please wait for a few seconds before the download is complete.While navigating digital teletext, you will find there is a short delay whenmoving between pages while the page downloads. There is often a promptshown somewhere on the page (for example “Loading”) to let you know thatthis is happening.●●●●●●●●●To return to TVEXIT