Initial Setup | Operating the TV8Initial SetupWhen you first turn on the TV, a series of steps will pop-up to guide you to setup your TV.●These steps are not necessary if the setup has beencompleted by your local dealer.1 Plug the mains plug into the socketoutlet and turn on the TV.It may take a few seconds before the screen isdisplayed.AC 220 - 240 V,50/60 HzProceed to steps 2, 3 and 4.Scanning starts automatically whenyou turn on the TV (step 3). After scanning iscompleted, proceed to step 4.2 Select your area.New South Wales/Australian Capital TerritoryVictoriaQueenslandSouth AustraliaWestern AustraliaNorthern TerritoryTasmaniaSelect State/TerritoryOKAccessSelect3 Scanning starts.Automatic Channel SearchSearching channels...Analogue : 0Digital : 1EXITRETURNScan 5%●This function searches and stores TV channels.●The stored channels and sorted channel order varydepending on the area, broadcasting system andconditions of signal reception.4 Select [Home].Please select your viewing environment.Home ShopOKConfirmChange●[Shop] is for shop display.●To change the viewing environment later on, youneed to initialise all settings by accessing [ShippingCondition] (p. 16).Setup is now complete and your TV is ready forviewing.Note●If tuning has failed, check the connection of the RFcable, then follow the on-screen instructions.Operating the TVUsing the remote controlMENUMEDIAPLAYERTEXT STTL/AD GUIDECHEXITPOWERINFORETURNOPTIONINPUTR G Y BASPECTMUTESTILLLAST VIEWVOLOK1 131415161718192021324567891011121 Switches the TV On / Standby2 MEDIA PLAYER (p. 11)3 Displays [Main Menu] (p. 13)4 Switches to Teletext mode5 Displays Information banner6 OK● Confirms selections.● Press after selecting channel positions to quicklychange channel.● Displays the [Channel List].7 Displays [Option Menu]● Shortcut to subtitle language / sound settings.● Follow the operation guide to select / change thesettings.8 Coloured buttons● Performs multiple operations which correspond tothe operation guide displayed on the menu screen.