26Displaying PC Screen on TVThe screen of the PC connected to the unit can be displayed on the TV.You can also listen to PC sound with the audio cable connected. To connect PC. (p. 43)PC menu setting (change as desired)Making settings “How to Use Menu Functions” to (p. 27)Menu Item Adjustments/Configurations (options)PicturePCadjustmentsReset to defaults Resets PC adjustments. Confirmation screen is displayed. Select “Yes” and press OK to reset.Sync H & V: The H and V sync signals are input from the HD/VD connector. (p. 49)On green: Uses a synchronized signal on the Video G signal, which is input from theG connector. (p. 49)Dot clock Alleviates the problem if a picture appears to be vertically-striped, flickers partially or is blurred.H-position Adjusts the horizontal position.V-position Adjusts the vertical position.Clock phaseAlleviates the problem if the whole picture appears to flicker or is blurred.First adjust the Dot Clock to get the best possible picture, then adjust theClock Phase so that a clear picture appears.NoteIt may not be possible to display a clear picture due to poor input signals.InputresolutionSwitches to wide display.Input signal switched from 640×480 to 852×480Input signal switched from 1024×768 to 1280×768 or 1366×768H-frequencyV-frequencyDisplays the H (Horizontal)/V (Vertical) frequencies.Display rangeHorizontal: 15 - 110 kHzVertical: 48 - 120 HzAudio menu (p. 28)Display the Input select menuInput selectTV15234678ComponentHDMI 2HDMI 3Video 1PCVideo 2AUXGAMEHDMI 1 GAMEGAME(example)Select “PC”PCDisplaysPC screenCorresponding signals(p. 48)To return to TV /