128200 RCV C Decoding process is not completedat the end of phase C.Defective SC PCB.212 XMTRCVA-E Interface error occurred betweenthe CPU and modem.Modem is defective. (SC PCB)Software problem occurred. (SC PCB)301 XMTRCV- System fault. Software problem occurred. (SC PCB)331 XMT C 8-minutes timer error.(Germany only)390 STANDBYRCVPRINT- Interface error occurred betweenthe machine and the PC.Firmware update error.GDI print error.(Perform the operation again)400 XMT B T1 timer (35±5 sec.) elapsedwithout detecting 300 bps signal.Wrong number is dialed and the STARTbutton is pushed.Telephone line is disconnected whiledialing.SC PCB (Modem) or MJR PCB aredefective.Receiver is defective. (It may only betransmitting CED)401 XMT B DCN was returned from receiverwhile transmitter is waiting for CFRor FTT.Your machine's ID Number is notprogrammed.Possible incompatibility or incorrectPassword.402 XMT B DCN was returned from receiverwhile transmitter is waiting forNSF/DIS.Receiver working in non-CCITT modeonly. (Possible incompatibility)403 RCV(Polling)B Transmitter had no polling function. "POLLED=ON" (polling XMT ready) isnot set at the transmitter.Document to be transmitted is notplaced at the transmitter.404 XMT B Transmitter sent NSS (or DCS)followed by TCF three times, butthe receiver did not respond. (CFRor FTT is usually returned)Receiver is defective. (Modem, MJRPCB, etc.)SC PCB or MJR PCB are defective.Receiver disconnects line during firstNSS (or DCS) is transmitted.405 XMT B Transmitter received FTT after ittransmitted TCF at 2400bps.Received RTN aftercommunicating at 2400 bps.Line quality is poor. (TCF is damageddue to line noise)Receiver is defective. (Modem, etc.)SC PCB or MJR PCB are defective.406 RCV(PasswordComm.)B XMT-Password mismatched.RCV-Password mismatched.Selective RCV incomplete.XMT, RCV password does not match.Last 4 digits of TSI does not match withthe last 4 digits of ONE-TOUCH, ABBRtelephonenumber.407 XMT D Transmitter received no responseafter it transmitted post message,such as EOP, MPS, EOM, etc...orreceived DCN.Receiver is defective. (No paper, paperjamming, etc.)Receiver ceased receiving because ofexcessive error. (Line quality is poor)SC PCB (Modem) or MJR PCB aredefective.Fax Information CodesCode Mode Phase Description of Problem Cause