English - 23 -3D ModeTo view 3D contents or programmes in 3D modeyou should wear the active 3D shutter glasses thatsupports Bluetooth™ wireless technology. Note thatthis TV’s 3D feature works only with its specific 3Dglasses. Use Panasonic active 3D Glasses for thebest 3D experience.Cautions for 3D viewingFor your safety; Read these safety precautionscarefully before using the 3D function.• Pregnant women, seniors, people with heartproblems or people who experience frequentdrowsiness, as well as people who can get easilynauseous should refrain from watching 3D.• Prevent children under the age of 5 from watching3D. It may affect their vision development.• When watching 3D images, monitor your children,including teenagers because they may be moresensitive to the effects of watching 3D. If theyexperience similar discomforts mentioned belove,have them stop watching in 3D immediately.• You may experience discomfort, headachesor dizziness while watching 3D images. If youexperience such symptoms, you should remove 3Dglasses and stop watching 3D mode.• Do not watch in 3D mode for long periods of time.Allow yourself occasional rests. During viewing, ifyou experience any discomforts such as eye-strain,headache or nausea; take off the 3D glasses andstop watching in 3D mode. Consult a doctor if thediscomforts persist.• Do not use the 3D glasses for any other purposes.Use 3D Glasses for watching 3D video only. Do notuse them as sunglasses or reading glasses.• When watching in 3D be aware of your surroundings.Do not move around while watching in 3D andwearing the glasses as your vision is modified andyou may run into objects, trip or fall which mayresult in injuries.• Some content in 3D may cause the viewer toperform sudden reflex movements such as duckingor dodging; therefore it is important to not place anyfragile objects near the television.• When using the 3D glasses the distance betweenthe user and screen can be misjudged. Be carefulnot to strike the TV screen.• Some viewers may feel disoriented after watching3D. Therefore, after you watch 3D, take a momentto regain awareness of your surrounding beforemoving.Photosensitive Seizure Warning• If you or a member of your family has a history ofepilepsy or seizure, please consult with your doctorbefore watching 3D TV. It is possible that someviewers may experience a seizure or epilepsy whenexposed to certain conditions, including flashinglights or images in TV or video games.• Sometimes certain symptoms can occur inunspecified conditions even if you do not have anyprevious history. In such a case, if you experienceany of the following symptoms, immediately stopwatching the 3D TV and consult a doctor: alteredvision, visual or facial instability, such as eye ormuscle twitching, dizziness or light-headedness,visual transition or unconscious action, convulsion,loss of conscience, confusion or disorientation, lossof directional sense, cramps, or nausea.You can reduce the risk of photosensitization seizureby taking the following actions:• While watching the 3D TV, do take frequent breaks.• If you suffer from any eyesight problems (short /far-sighted, astigmatism, eyesight differences inleft and right), ensure to correct your vision beforeusing the 3D glasses.• Do not watch the TV too closely and try always keepthe television at eye level. Do not watch the 3D TVwhen you are tired or sick. Avoid watching the 3DTV for a long period of time.Operating the 3D ModePress the MENU button on the remote and select thePicture icon. Press OK button to view Picture Menu.Use Up or Down buttons to select 3D Settings andpress OK to view.Notes:• You should select suitable 3D Mode before viewing.If appropriate mode is not selected, 3D image cannot be correctly displayed.• The 3D picture may not be visible or becomedistorted when watching under intense lightconditions.• If you experience screen flickering when watching3D images in poor light conditions, you should turnthe lamp off or dim the light.• Bluetooth™ and Wireless LAN devices operatewithin the same radio frequency range and mayinterfere with one another. If you use Bluetooth™and Wireless LAN devices simultaneously, youmay occasionally experience a less than optimalnetwork performance. Use the 3D glasses wherethere is no interference from other Bluetooth™ orWireless LAN devices.Using the 3D GlassesRefer to the manual of the 3D glasses before use for detailedinformation and instructions on usage.Before using you should pair the glasses with yourTV. Press the power button on the glasses to turn iton. You can enjoy viewing 3D images now by wearingthe 3D glasses. Turn off the glasses after using it.