38Alternatively, if you know which sub page you require, press the MENU button (to displayspecial functions) followed by the Blue button; T**** will be displayed where the pagenumber is normally found.Enter desired sub page number before the T**** disappears.e.g., to select page 6 enter 0, 0, 0 and 6.Press the Yellow button to view the TV picture whilst waiting for more sub pages to befound. The sub pages found will be displayed across the top of the screen.When the page is available, press the Yellow button to view the page. Regardless ofhow many pages are found, pressing the Yellow button will take you to the sub pagewhich you requested.Press the TEXT button to return to normal TV operation.INDEXWhen in FASTEXT operationPress the INDEX button to return to the main index page.Depending on the way information is transmitted, this may have to be pressed morethan once to return to the main index page.Picture and textPress the TEXT button to enter Picture and text mode.Picture and text mode lets you see the current programme and a page of teletext sideby side. Whilst using this feature, the remote control affects the teletext page; if youwish to make changes to the programme viewed press the TEXT button to return towatching the programme on its own then make the desired changes.DVB teletext servicesDVB teletext services differ greatly from analogue teletext. When you switch to a DVBteletext service, the images you see can contain graphics and text, laid out and controlledin a manner decided by the broadcaster. In all cases, it is possible to navigate thepages using buttons on the remote control, but because the commands available mustapply to all manufacturers of DVB equipment, some on screen commands may notcorrespond exactly to the remote control buttons.For example:• For the on screen command ‘select’ or ‘go’, use the OK button.• If you see the symbols, use the appropriate cursor buttons.• If you see a line of key words displayed in red, green, yellow and blue, use the colouredmultifunction buttons to operate the functions.• For numbered options, use the numeric keypad.• The TEXT button should allow you to exit the teletext system. Alternatively, press theChannel up / down buttons to select another channel.As soon as you switch to a DVB channel with links to a teletext service, software isdownloaded in the background to enable the teletext function. This means that whenswitching to a DVB channel, you should wait for approximately 5 seconds before pressingthe TEXT button – this will allow the software to download. If you press the TEXT buttonbefore download is complete, there will be a short delay before the text screen isdisplayed.While navigating DVB teletext, you will find there is a short delay when moving betweenpages while the page downloads.There is often a prompt shown somewhere on the page (for example “Loading”) to letyou know what is happening.Teletext operationINDEXBlueMENUVCR1 2 34 5 67 8 90OKTEXTIn DVB modeTEXT