TX-21AD26SELF CHECKSelf check is used to automatically check the Bus lines and Hexadecimal code of the TV set.To enter the Self Check mode press Function down button, on thePreset Panel, at the same time pressing the Status button, on the Remote Control,and the screen will show:-Adjustment ProcedureItem/Preparation Adjustments+B SET-UP1. Receive a window pattern2. Set the controls:Brightness minimumContrast minimumVolume minimum1. Set the +B voltage up as follows:Adjust R811 so that B2 shows 130V +/- 1V2. Confirm the following voltages.B1 200 +/- 10V B6 12 +/- 0.5VB3 27 +/- 1V B7 5 + 0.1/-0.25VB4 41.0 +/- 1V B8 5 +/- 0.25VB5 15.5 +/- 1V U33 31 +/- 1VRF AGC1. Receive a test pattern.2. Connect an oscilloscope between the tunerRF AGC and ground.3. Set the oscilloscope gain range to 1V/div.1. Check that the noise becomes large when the RF AGC VRR126 is turned counterclockwise. After the check turn it clockwise.2. Gradually turn the RF AGC VR anti-clockwise, and set theRF AGC VR to the point where the RF AGC voltage is just falling to apoint where this voltage drops by 0.2V from the maximum value.CUT OFF1. Receive a window pattern.2. Degauss the tube externally.3. Set the TV into Service Mode 1.4. Select Cutoff DC mode.1. Confirm then value is 128 and select Ug2 mode noting colour withlargest value2. Turn the screen VR until a colour reaches 20~30.3. Connect an oscilloscope to the cathode with the biggest valuecolour.4. Select Cutoff DC mode and adjustCutoff pulse to 159V +/- 5V.5. Disconnect the oscilloscope and adjust the screen to whichever colourreaches 70 +/- 30 first.123456789101112131415161718192021222324okokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokTunerVIFEEPROMSound AVswitch1Video AVswitch1Dolby SubDolby ICfor L/RDolby ICfor C/RHex codesIf the CCU ports have been checked and found to be incorrect then "--" will appear in place of "OK".VDPTPUMSPP S MODEP. TA1P. TA2P. TA3P. TA0P SDAPSCL1P SCL 3P SCL4P SBLEDP OFFP DEFLP RAMokok- -- -- -06CE349485- -