- 98 -VIERA Link menu■ Speaker controlYou can select the Home theater or TV speakers for audio output. Control thetheater speakers with the TV remote control. This function is available onlywhen a Panasonic Amplifier or Player theater is connected.1. Select Speaker output using /2. Select Home theater or TV with /Home theater:Adjustment for the equipmentVOL(+/-) and MUTE buttons are available● The sound of the TV is muted.● When the equipment is turned off, the TV speakers take over.● Selecting Home theater turns the equipment on automatically if it isin Standby mode.TV:The TV speakers are on.■ VIERA Link control only with the TV’s remote control1. Select VIERA Link control using /2. Select the desired equipment with /(You can select available items only.)(Recorder/Home theater/Player/Camcorder/LUMIX/Other)● If there is more than one equipment item, a number after the nameindicates the number of items. (e.g.Recorder1/Recorder 2/Recorder3...)● The number of equipment items that can be connected is three forrecorders, and a total of three for Home Theater/Player/Camcorder/LUMIX/Others.3. Operate the equipment with the TV remote control, pointing it at the TV● There is a limit to the number of HDMI connectors.● To operate the equipment, read the manual for the equipment.● For available TV remote control buttons, whether or not an operation isavailable differs depending on the connected equipment.