27General Operation8910SOUND MUTE buttonPush this button to mute the soundcompletely.The MUTE symbol will appear.Push the button once again to restorethe previous sound level, and cancelthe mute.RECALL buttonPush the RECALL button to displaythe current system status.Push again to cancel.Position Number (Refer to page 16)Colour system (Refer to page 29)Sound system (Refer to page 28)Picture Menu (Refer to page 33)Sound Menu (Refer to page 34)SURROUND (Refer to page 32)Off Timer (Refer to page 27)OFF TIMER buttonThe TV set may be preset to switchto stand-by after a fixed period.By pushing OFF-TIMER button, youcan select the preset time; either “30”,“60”, “90” minutes or AUTO mode.Setting Off-Timer to AUTO mode.If the set is not switched off when theTV station stops broadcasting, it willautomatically go to Stand-by modeafter 5 minutes.Note:Off-Timer setting will not operate inAUTO mode when the Television setis in AV mode.+4MUSICDYNAMICSURROUND OFF4.5MHzAUTO306 730 60 90 AUTO07671WAKE UP buttonThis button sets a timer to turn on theTV.The Wake Up time can be set in 10minutes intervals and for up to 12hours from the current time. Selectthe desired wake up time by usingthe Position Left "<" or Right ">"button.When the timer turns on the TV, theTV will automatically set the off timerto turn the TV off after 90 minutes ifyou do not operate the TV after it isturned on.Note:(1) When the Wake Up timer is set,the Power Indicator blinks.(2) If the TV is left on with the WakeUp timer set, the timer setting isautomatically deleted after acertain amount of time.WAKE UP6 R-TUNE R-TUNE buttonPush this button to return the beforePosition.