- 20 -TC-14A12P / TC-20B12Service Adjustments and CalibrationsTO ENTER IN THE SERVICE MODE:1. Adjust the volume for the minimum.2. Adjustment the “OFF TIMER” function for 30 minutes.3. Simultaneously press the “RECALL“ button of the remotecontrol unit and the “VOLUME DOWN“ button on the TV set.After some seconds, the TV enters the SERVICE MODE andthe “CHK1” expression should appear on the screen.12345678CHK1 OPTIONSOPTIONS PARC 10 00 03 38 00 00 00 0RF-AGC 31CONTRAST 63COLOUR 32SUB-COLOUR 32NTSC-TINT 32SUB-NTSC-TINT 30BRIGHT 32OPTIONS PARCHK2 OPTIONSV-SLOPE 37V-SHIFT 50Hz 2V-SHIFT 60Hz 1V-AMP 50Hz 16V-AMP 60Hz 16H-SHIFT 36S-CORR 50Hz 18S-CORR 60HZ 18V-ZOOM 50 Hz 5V-ZOOM 60 Hz 7OSD H-POS 3OSD V-POS 50 Hz 28OSD V-POS 60 Hz 21OPTIONS PARCHK3 OPTIONSR-CUT 31G-CUT 32BRIGHT 32SUB-BRIGHT 31CONTRAST 63SUB-CONTRAST 21R-DR 19G-DR 31B-DR 38RGB CONTRAST 6OPTIONS PARCHK4 OPTIONSADJUSTMENTS IN THE CHK1 MODE: ADJUSTMENTS IN THE CHK2 MODE:ADJUSTMENTS IN THE CHK3 MODE:• To select the options, press “4” to move forward and “ 3 “ togo back.• Select the option and make the adjustment pressing the“VOL_” or “ VOL+” keys.• To memorize the adjustment press “0” (CHK1 mode only).NOTE:ADJUSTMENTS IN THE CHK4 MODE:CHK1←→CHK2↑ ↑↑ ↑↑ ↑↑ ↑↑ ↑↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓CHK4←→CHK3• To turn off AKB (blue OSD), press “5”. To turn on AKB (white OSD), press “5” of the remote control unit.• After end of the adjustments, press the “NORMAL” key “ or turn of the unit to return to the normal mode of TV.• To do data memory maintenance, simultaneously press “ MUTE” on the remote control and “VOL_” on the TV set when it is inSERVICE MODE . To select the memory address, press “4” to move forward or “3” to go back.)TO EXIT SERVICE MODE AND RETURN TO THE NORMALSTATE:Press the “NORMAL” key on the remote control unit or turn offthe unit.HOW TO OPERATE THE “DAC” CONTROLS IN THE BR3L CHASSISTo change from “CHK1” to “CHK2” mode and following, press“2” to move forward and “1” to go back.