- 9 -TC-14A04A / TC-20A04ATHE DAC CONTROL FOR GP3 CHASSIS FUNCTIONS AND ADJUSTMENTSHOW TO ENTER IN THE SERVICE MODE:1- Set the “OFF TIMER” to 30 minutes.2- Press simultaneously RECALL key on the remote control and VOL(-) button on the unit.After a couple of seconds, the expression “CHK” should appear on the right superior side of the screen. (To changethe memory data, press MUTE and VOLUME(_) simultaneously while the OSD is still on CHK1 mode. Key “4” movesforward in the memory, and key “3” moves back in the memoryNote: To alter from CHK1 mode to CHK2, CHK3 or CHK4 modes, press key “2” to move forward and the key “1” tomove back, as illustrated below.TO EXIT SERVICE MODE AND RETURN TO NORMAL MODE:Press the “NORMAL” key on the remote control unit or turn off the TV.CHK1 - OPTIONSOn CHK1 mode, it is possible to adjust the options below:CHK1 mode tableStandard valuesTC-14A04A0000003300200001TC-20A04A0000003300200001OPTION1OPTION2OPTION3OPTION4OPTION5OPTION6OPTION7OPTION8OPTION4OPTION6ååDIGITO LSBDIGITO LSB“4”“4”“3”OPTION1 OPTION1 OPTION2 OPTION2á á áå áááDIGITO MSB DIGITO LSB DIGITO MSB DIGITO LSB“4”“3”“3”“4”“3”“3”“4”“3”“3”“4”“3”“3”OPTION3OPTION5OPTION7OPTION3OPTION5OPTION8OPTION4OPTION6OPTION1ááááááááåááááááááDIGITO MSBDIGITO MSBDIGITO MSBDIGITO LSBDIGITO LSBDIGITO LSBDIGITO MSBDIGITO MSBDIGITO MSB“4”“4”“4”“3”“3”“4”“4”“4”“3”“3”“4”“4”“4”“3”“3”Turn offNORMAL MODEOPTION CODESETTING“2”“1 ”VCJADJUSTMENTCHK1SERVICE MODE“2” “2”“ 1 ” “1 ”PINCUSHIONADJUSTMENTWHITE BALANCEADJUSTMENTCHK2 CHK3 CHK4Note:To select an option, type “4” to move forwardand “3” to move back.After having selected the desired option, adjustit by pressing the “VOL(_)” or “VOL(+)” keys.Press “0” to memorize the adjustment.CHK1 mode adjustmentsOn CHK1 mode it is possible to adjust the items of the table shown here.Note:To select an item, type “4” to move forward and “3” to move back.After having selected the desired option, adjust it by pressing the “VOL(_)” or “VOL(+)”keys.Press “0” To memorize the adjustment.