The BACK UP data will not be erased even with the passage of time.The backup memory does not function for the stored contents until the power has been on for about 10minutes.If you wish to retain the settings and stored memory contents for recall at a later time, store the desireddata on a disk/SD card.Data from previous Technics models may be limited to PERFORMANCE data.PERFOR-MANCECURRENT PANEL settingsPANEL MEMORYSEQUENCERCOMPOSER (MEMORY contents)PERFORMANCE PADS (USER memories)SOUND MEMORYEFFECT MEMORYBACKUP MIDI (USER for the MIDI PRESETS) & FAVORITESPLUG-IN featureThis model is compatible with third-party extension plug-in software for theKN2400/KN2600. See plug-in documentation for information about softwarefeatures and operation.SZ-E2Expression PedalSZ-P1Foot Switch