RQT702266Description of TermsRead this section together with the instructionsaccompanying the disc.Playback control:This refers to the control signals which are recorded on adisc. These signals enable moving picture and still pictureplay by selecting menus. There are two types of video CDs,those which support playback control and those which donot. The type is indicated in the disc’s instructions and onthe CD case.PBC (playback control) play:This method plays the moving pictures or high-definitionstill pictures on a video CD by selecting a menu.Regular play:This method plays a disc in sequence from the beginningwithout using menus.Track (number):CDs are divided into tracks. The numbers allocated to thetracks are called track numbers.Video index (number):A track is subdivided into smaller units called indexes. Thenumbers allocated to the video indexes are called indexnumbers.Scene:Scenes refer to an individual menu, moving picture, stillpicture, etc. which are recorded only on video CDsequipped with PBC. The numbers allocated to the scenesare called scene numbers.If the TV screen is in the following condition• Picture is smaller than screen.• Picture appears too wide.• Picture movements are not smooth.It is possible that software recorded using the NTSC systemis being viewed on a PAL type TV. Set the video formatselector on the unit’s left panel to “PAL”.Note• Depending on the TV set used, the picture may shrinkvertically and black bars may appear both at the top andbottom of the screen. This is not an indication of amalfunction. A• If the picture remains unchanged even when the switchhas been set to the “PAL” position, set it to the normalviewing position.A