9RQT6721 Simple setupConserving powerThe unit consumes power [For the United Kingdom, ContinentalEurope, Australia and N.Z.: approx. 0.7 W or for Southeast Asia:approx. 0.9 W (subwoofer)] even when it is turned off with [Í]. Tosave power when the unit is not to be used for a long time, unplug itfrom the household mains socket.Remember to reset the radio stations and any other memory itemsbefore using the unit again.Information you enter into the unit’s memory remains intact for upto 2 weeks after the AC mains lead is disconnected.Do not;≥mix old and new batteries.≥use different types at the same time.≥heat or expose to flame.≥take apart or short circuit.≥attempt to recharge alkaline or manganese batteries.≥use batteries if the covering has been peeled off.Mishandling of batteries can cause electrolyte leakage whichcan damage items the fluid contacts and may cause a fire.Remove if the remote control is not going to be used for a longperiod of time. Store in a cool, dark place.∫ UseAim at the sensor, avoiding obstacles, at a maximum range of7 m directly in front of the unit.STEP4 Connecting the subwoofer, antennas, and AC mains leadAAM ANTVCR / AUXINTVINFM ANTEXTLOOP75 hR L R LS VIDEOOUTVIDEOOUTAV1L3L2R45RA1232System cable AM loop antenna FM indoor antenna AC mains lead[For\the\United\Kingdom]Subwoofer Adhesive tapeFix the other endof the antennawhere reception isbest.AM loop antennaClick! Stand the antenna up on itsbase.Keep loose antenna cordaway from other wires andcords.System cableCatch to the rightAC mains leadTo household mainssocketFM indoor antennaCatch downTodisconnectPress thecatch andpull out.Connect the AC mains lead after allother connections are complete.To disconnectPress the catch andpull out.Click![For\the\United\Kingdom\only]BE SURE TO READ THE CAUTION FOR THEAC MAINS LEAD ON PAGE 4 BEFORECONNECTION.[For\Australia\and\N.Z.] [For\others]STEP5 The remote controlRemote control BatteriesR6,AA,UM-31233+-+ - ≥Insert so the poles(i and j) matchthose in the remotecontrol.≥Do not userechargeable typebatteries.