15Disc operationsRQT6345Indicates the track currently playingENTNTERMIXMIX 2CHCHSLEEPEEPAUTOO OFOFF ACTIOCTIONMUTUTINGDIMMERDIMMERTVV POWERERTVV VIDEOIDEOS.S.SRNDND A-B REPA-B REPEATCLCLEARAR3D AI3D AIANGLENGLEMENUMENUTOP MENUOP MENUSUBSUB TITLETITLE AUDUDIOTESTESTGUI DISPGUI DISP RETURNURNMARKERERSHIFTCH SECH SELECTECTTV CH UPV CH UPTV CHV CH DOWNWNPLAY MODEY MODE SELECTSELECTORORSOUND EQSOUND EQREPREPEATSLOSLOW SW SEARCHRCHPLPLSUBWSUBWOOFEROFERDVDD CDCDTAPEPETUNERUNERDISCDISCVOLUMEPOSITIONPOSITIONMEMORMEMORY2•1;TOP MENUOP MENUMENUMENUENTNTERENTNTERSELECTFile listENTER RETURNGTTotal111001 Both Ends Freezing002 Lady Starfish003 Life on Jupiter004 Metal Glue005 Paint It Yellow006 Pyjamamama007 Shrimps from Mars008 Starperson009 Velvet Cuppermine010 Ziggy StarfishNextPrev12345678910No. Group: 001 My Favorite TreeA1BSELECTFile listENTER RETURNG 8T 14Total 123TreeG 8/16MP3 musicPop musicBrazilian popsChinese popsCzech popsHungarian popsLiner notesMexican popsMy FavoritePhilippine popsSwedish popsMomokoStandard numberPiano soloVocalDiscsInformation about discs that appears on theunit display“ ”When there are 16 or more tracks on the disc (CD and Video CDwithout PBC).“DVD”When a DVD is in the play position tray.“VCD”When a Video CD is in the play position tray.“NO DISC”When there is no disc on the selected tray or the disc is setincorrectly.“NO PLAY”When the disc does not correspond to the unit and cannot be played.“96kHz 24bit”When the disc is one with high quality sound recorded with a sam-pling frequency of 96 kHz and 24 bits.Using menus to play MP3 discsCD (MP3 discs)Remote control onlyThis unit can play MP3 files recorded on CD-R/RW with a computer.Files are treated as tracks and folders are treated as groups.1 Press [TOP MENU] or [MENU].A file list appears.2 Press [8], [9] to select the track andpress [ENTER].Play starts and continues to the last track in the last group.“ ” indicates the track currently playing.L To show other pagesPress [8, 9, ;, :] to select “Prev” or “Next” and press [ENTER].After listing all the tracks in one group, the list for the next groupappears.L To close the file list screenPress [TOP MENU] or [MENU].Using the tree screen to find a groupPress [:] while a track is highlightedto display the tree screen.Press [8], [9] to select a group andpress [ENTER].The file list for the group appears.For your referencePress [;], [:] to jump layers in the tree screen.Note• You cannot use program play, random play and CD MANAGER.• This unit may not be able to play disc containing more than one dataformat.• If you play an MP3 track that includes still picture data, it will takesome time before the music itself starts playing and the elapsedtime will not be displayed during this time.Even after the track starts, the correct play time will not be displayed.• This unit is not compatible with ID3 tags.Refer to the glossary on page 58 for more information about MP3.ABGroup nameYou cannot select groups thatcontain no compatible files.