SET UPTV/AV22Q--Link allows the television to communicate with your VCROpen the Setup menuMove to Q--LinkConfirm Q--Link is set to “On”Press the TV/AV button to exitThe VCR must be connected with a SCART lead (full function type) attached between the AV2socket of the television and the appropriate socket on your VCR. See the VCR handbook for furtherinformation. Q--Link, NEXTVIEWLINK or similar technology allows the television to instruct a compatibleVCR to record the programme that is currently being displayed on screen, regardless of theprogramme position set on the VCR, thus simplifying the process of recording programmes.To record the programme you are currently watchingPress the DIRECT TV REC button on the remote controlDIRECTTV RECIf the VCR is off, it will automatically switch on when you press the DIRECT TV REC button.A message, sent from the VCR, will appear on screen showing what is being recorded, or if it is notpossible to record:VCR recording preset prog VCR recording TV sourceNo recording - NO TAPENo recording - TAPE IS PROTECTEDVCR is recording the programme signalfrom its own tuner. If you wish you canswitch off the TV and leave the VCRrecording in the normal way.VCR is recording the programme signal from thetelevision.You must not change programme position orswitch off the TV: if you do, the VCR willautomatically stop recording and switch off.The write protection tab on the back of thecassette has been removed.No recording - VCR IS PLAYINGNo recording - ALREADY RECORDING!No recording - TAPE MAY BE DAMAGEDVCR Recording VCR external No recording - NO SOURCE AVAILABLEExamples of other messages that might be displayed are:VCR recording own tunerQ--LINKSetup menuAV2 out TVTeletext ListOff timer OffFlicker reduction OnQ-Link OnText language WestTuning menuOSD languageGeomagnetic