12How to use Plastic Jar with Filter unit1. Fix the Filter gasket.Pasang gasket Filter.Fix the Filter Gasket at the bottom of the Filter.Pasang Gasket Filter di bagian bawah Filter.3. Put ingredients.Masukkan bahan.Cut the ingredients into small enough pieces to fit in to thefeeder hole with proper water capacity.Make sure the buttons are not pressed down on the MotorHousing.Potong bahan menjadi potongan yang cukup kecil sehinggabisa dimasukkan ke lubang pengisian beserta air secukupnya.Pastikan tombol tidak ditekan pada Rumah Motor.4. Put the Lid-J on the Plastic Jar first.Pasang Tutup-J pada Mangkuk Plastik terlebih dahulu.Set the hook of Lid-J onto the Plastic Jar. Make sure the Lid Cover isclosed over the Lid-J.Pasang pengait Tutup-J pada Mangkuk Plastik. Pastikan Kover Tutupditutup di atas Tutup-J.Turn the Lid Cover until it stops.Putar Kover Tutup sampai mentok.These Grooves are located at the topof Plastic Jar Flow Breaker Lines.Alur-alur ini terletak di bagian atasGaris Pemutus Aliran Mangkuk Plastik.These Grooves are located at thebottom of Plastic Jar Flow BreakerLines.Alur-alur ini terletak di bagian bawahGaris Aliran Mangkuk Plastik.Plastic Jar Flow Breaker LinesGaris Pemutus Aliran Mangkuk Plastik2. Put the Filter in the Plastic Jar.Letakkan Filter di dalamMangkuk Plastik.Please ensure, the rib of the Filter isplaced properly on the Plastic Jar FlowBreaker lines.Pastikan, bingkai filter diletakkandengan benar pada garis PemutusAliran Mangkuk Plastik.