LC2H110Changing the preset valueCompliance with the CE marking5. Output setting modeThis sets the operation mode.1) Pressing the SET key four times whileholding down the MODE key takes you tothe output setting mode.2) The display reads “HoLd-A” (initialsetting) after entering the output settingmode.3) Pressing the setting key causes thedisplay to change as follows:HOLD-B (Output maintain/over count I)SHOT-A (One shot/over count)SHOT-B (One shot/recount I)HOLD-A (Output maintain/hold count)4) Pressing the front panel reset key setsthe display content and returns you toregular operation mode.Note: You will not be returned to regular operationmode if you do not press the front panel resetkey.HOLD-A HOLD-BSHOT-B SHOT-APress the SET key while pressingthe MODE key.+Un-Lock LockPress the SET key while pressingthe MODE key.+Mode changes as follows by pressing the SET key while holding down the MODE key.When the lock is set, you cannot enter modes other thanbacklight setting mode.Lit red Flashes greenLit green Flashes redPress the SET key while pressingthe MODE key.+Addition SubtractionPress the SET key while pressingthe MODE key.+HOLD-A HOLD-BSHOT-B SHOT-ALock mode Backlight setting modeOutput setting mode Input setting modePress the SET key while pressingthe MODE key.+2) Lock mode3) Backlight setting mode4) Input setting mode5) Output setting modeFront panel reset keyRegular operation modePlease be aware that after doing a frontpanel reset key and returning to regularoperation mode, the preset values, countvalue and output will be as shown in thistable.Note: “×” sign: No changePresetvalue Count value OutputchangeLockmode × × ×Backlightsettingmode× × ×Inputsettingmode×Addition: “0”Subtraction:“Preset value”ON➝OFFOutputsettingmode×Addition: “0”Subtraction:“Preset value”ON➝OFF1. It is possible to change the presetvalue even during counting. However,be aware of the following points.1) If the preset value is changed to lessthan the count value with counting set tothe addition direction, counting willcontinue until it reaches full scale, returnsto zero, and then reaches the new presetvalue. If the preset value is changed to avalue above the count value, counting willcontinue until the count value reaches thenew preset value.2) Suppose that the counter is preset tocount down. Whether a preset countdown value is smaller or larger than thecount value, the counter counts down to“0 (zero)”.2. If the preset value is changed to “0”,the counter will not complete count-up. It starts counting up when thecounting value comes to “0 (zero)”again.1) Addition (up-count) input whencounting is set to the addition direction,counting will continue until full scale isreached, return to zero, and thencomplete count-up.2) Subtraction (down-count) input whencounting is set to the subtraction direction,counting will continue until full scale“–9999999” is reached, and then thedisplay will change to “ ”.• EMC Directive (89/336/EEC)The LC2H Preset Counter conforms tothe EMC Directive as a simple counter.Applicable standards: EN61000-6-4,EN61000-6-2CTi Automation - Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 208.368.0415 - Web: - Email: