Important Information4For your safetyTo prevent severe injury and loss oflife/property, read this section carefully beforeusing the product to ensure proper and safeoperation of your product.WARNINGPower connectionL Use only the power source marked on theproduct.L Do not overload power outlets andextension cords. This can result in the riskof fire or electric shock.L Completely insert the AC adaptor/powerplug into the power outlet. Failure to do somay cause electric shock and/or excessiveheat resulting in a fire.L Regularly remove any dust, etc. from theAC adaptor/power plug by pulling it from thepower outlet, then wiping with a dry cloth.Accumulated dust may cause an insulationdefect from moisture, etc. resulting in a fire.L Unplug the product from power outlets if itemits smoke, an abnormal smell, or makesan unusual noise. These conditions cancause fire or electric shock. Confirm thatsmoke has stopped emitting and contactyour phone system dealer.L Unplug from power outlets and never touchthe inside of the product if its casing hasbeen broken open.L Never touch the plug with wet hands.Danger of electric shock exists.L It is advisable to unplug the machine duringthunderstorms as the warranty does notcover any damage resulting from lightningstrikes and power surges. Lightningprotection is advised.InstallationL To prevent the risk of fire or electrical shock,do not expose the product to rain or anytype of moisture.L Do not place or use this product nearautomatically controlled devices such asautomatic doors and fire alarms. Radiowaves emitted from this product may causesuch devices to malfunction resulting in anaccident.L Do not allow the AC adaptor or Ethernetcable to be excessively pulled, bent orplaced under heavy objects.Operating safeguardsL Unplug the product from power outletsbefore cleaning. Do not use liquid oraerosol cleaners.L Do not disassemble the product.L Do not spill liquids (detergents, cleansers,etc.) onto the Ethernet cable plug, or allow itto become wet at all. This may cause a fire.If the Ethernet cable plug becomes wet,immediately pull it from the LAN (Local AreaNetwork) wall jack, and do not use.L KX-TGP550 only: Do not excessively pullthe corded handset cord from the base unit.This may cause the base unit to fall,resulting in injury.L The use of excessive sound volumethrough earphones, headphones, orheadsets may cause hearing loss.MedicalL Consult the manufacturer of any personalmedical devices, such as pacemakers orhearing aids, to determine if they areadequately shielded from external RF(radio frequency) energy. (The productoperates in the frequency range of 1.88GHz to 1.90 GHz, and the RF transmissionpower is 250 mW (max.).)L Do not use the product in health carefacilities if any regulations posted in thearea instruct you not to do so. Hospitals orhealth care facilities may be usingequipment that could be sensitive toexternal RF energy.CAUTIONInstallation and relocationL Never install LAN (Local Area Network)during an electrical storm.L Never install Ethernet cable jacks in wetlocations unless the jack is specificallydesigned for wet locations.L Never touch uninsulated LAN (Local AreaNetwork) or terminals unless the LAN(Local Area Network) has beendisconnected at the network interface.L Use caution when installing or modifyingLAN (Local Area Network).